Friday, September 27, 2019

Snake Plissken and Indiana Jones

I can still remember going over to my friend's house right after he saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when it first came out.  He was raving about how good it was, and told me, "There's more action in the first 10 minutes than in most other complete movies!"  I was a giant Stephen Spielberg fan since seeing Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, so I was already interested, and this  reaction really made me want to see it.  I did soon after, and it did not disappoint. It still has better action than most other movies out there, not to mention the great performances, score, sets and locations.


  1. As much as I love Star Wars, I love Raiders more.

  2. People behind the cameras can be just as important as those in front. A John Williams concert will not take time to fill audience seats. I remember when he was doing tv themes for Irwin Allen in the 1960s. Time Tunnel, 2 Lost in Space, 2 Land of the Giants, and so much more. It was great seeing such a new talent do so well.

    On a different note, with winter coming, how about Iceman, Capt Cold, Mr Freeze, and other cold based characters in " A Snowball's Chance in Hell."

  3. Hmmmmmm! I was going to suggest/surmise that Indy and Snake might've been brought together by the former's investigation of the Nazi Bell (supposedly, a real-life attempt at time travel that might be the true origin of the Kecksburg UFO). But, the info concerning some of John William's earliest work inspired me to reconsider. What if Indy got caught up in the backwash from Doug and Tony's Time Tunneling, instead? I mean, if it could happen to Malachi Throne (as Machiavelli), why not Harrison Ford.

    Tobor? You're a genius!

  4. @Carycomic, there are times when group efforts are definitely worth it and I do enjoy being part of a good group.

  5. I saw the pairing in the title, and wondered what the heck would connect them for this blog. Then I saw Indy's thought balloon, and had a good laugh out loud.

    Cary's summary of the situation makes sense from an in-world POV. I'd prefer the Nazi Bell angle, though the Time Tunnel connection could be fun as well.

    And Tobor's cover title would be fun, though I'd just use it to pair Iceman and Spawn.

    My suggestion for this year's Halloween: Doctor Strange and Swamp Thing. The former character's next movie, like the latter's ill-fated TV show, is in the superhero-horror cross-genre, so it seems fitting.

  6. Spider-Man Will Stay in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
    Brent Lang 4 hrs ago

    After briefly breaking up, Sony Pictures and Marvel have found a way to get back in the Spider-Man business together.

    Careful of that snowball Ross, it might survive Hell.

  7. Everyone, it just hit me. A NEW character named SNOWBAUL.
    She could be youngish, her power: creating cold and snow thru natural magic abilities.
    A female Bobby Drake type, on her own. No teacher or friends, just this weird limited ability. And for some reason, she gets sent to Hell.

    I checked, no character exists by that spelling that I could find.
    Ross, take it away. :)

  8. You could open-source the character through the "Public Domain Superheroes" website.

  9. I wonder if Indy will ever meet Santa Claus? On 2nd thought; nah! That's going overboard.
