Friday, April 5, 2019

Hellcat and The Phantom

We started to see the beginnings of Patsy Walker's transformation into a super powered vigilante on the second season of Netflix' Jessica Jones, and it will be interesting to see where her story goes in the upcoming third and final season.  I'm guessing we won't be seeing her in any kind of costume like the one she sports above, given Netflix track record for getting their heroes out of plain clothes, but it would be nice to see her move a little closer to the Hellcat that we know from the comics.


  1. This was a lovely surprise! Being a big fan of Kit Walker, it is so nice seeing him in a new cover. Was that Jim A. that did the rendering?

    Ross, do you get a notification on any/every posting as they happen?

  2. Yes I get a heads up for new comments. I think it's Mark Schultz who did the original Phantom Illo, but I'm not sure so I didn't put it in the labels - If anyone knows for sure, please chime in!

  3. Just wondering about the Phantom illo; it's the best he's ever looked. Do you know the year drawn? Also,the Phantom feels like uncle rather than cousin as he's as old as Superman.

  4. Patsy Walker used to be simply an Archie clone (albeit female) back in the 1950's; later she was reinvented as a Marvel hero.

  5. Didn't the Depression-era Phantom have a Neanderthal couple he looked after, along with their pet stegosaurus, in the back-country of Bengalla?

  6. another great family pairing of a cover....
    the Phantom was another of my early favorites, although i am partial to the Don Newton renderings of the Ghost who Walks....
    thanks for you continued excellence, Ross....

  7. Okay... So this would mean that Patsy's father was the younger brother of Kit's father... which would, at least technically, put her in line to take over the mantle of the Phantom, even if only temporarily.

    HellPhantom! I smell another potential Iron Beetle crossover!

  8. @Carycomic: Are you referring to the later 20th century stories with Hominid(?) creatures Hzz, Hrz(?), Rzz, and the stegosaurus they share a Phantom-established sanctuary with?

  9. Yes! That's the one. I must be confusing the Charlton-era Phantom with the comic strip original. Both were often referred to as the "21st-generation Phantom." At least, in the reprints I've read.

    Thanks, Anon. :-)

  10. maybe a live action version of these cousins next time with Netflix's Trish, Racheal Taylor and Billy Zanes's Ghost who Walk(er)s....
    it could be fun.....
    just saying.....

  11. Hzz, Hrz and Stegy all first appeared in the 1970s, story by Lee Falk, art by Sy Barry, probably the best Phantom artist ever, but one yet to be seen on this blog, something to look forward to.

  12. Cary, in the newspaper it's always the 21st Phantom, not 21st Generation Phantom.

  13. Can I suggest the Phantom Stranger and the Phantom of the Muppet Show?

    Although the latter could also be matched with one of the Marvel Family: Uncle Deadly and Uncle Dudley.

    Has anyone here seen the new Shazam movie? Was Uncle Dudley in it?

  14. Last Anon: I saw it Thursday, and Uncle Dudley is not in it. It's based more on the Shazam Family, of the New 52. Even so, Darla's last name is Dudley, and she might have an uncle who surfaces, so....

    (I also wonder if we might not learn -- in the comics, as well as in the movies -- that Eugene Choi has a cousin named Ryan.)

  15. P.S.---I saw SHAZAM last night, as well. A bit underwhelming if you're not age 16 or younger. I much preferred CAPT. MARVEL (the feature-length prologue to AVENGERS: END GAME).

  16. A lot of people are having that reaction, Cary, but not a huge portion. I could see several flaws, but none were bad enough to take away the fun. And as far as I'm concerned Faithe Herman and Meagan Good stole every scene they were in.

  17. @Anonymous I'd rather the Phantom team up with the Phantom Stranger. Or if that's been done have PH meet the Marvel Stranger for a go round.

  18. They have met in STF 648 and are well overdue to meet again.
