Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Emma Peel and Wonder Woman

I saw this suggestion in the comments and it got my wheels turning.  Not knowing much about the TV Avengers, I did a little research and learned that Emma Peel's husband was lost and presumed dead in the Amazon.  That seemed like enough to get an adventure going between her and Diana Prince.


  1. another live action cover....
    i do so love them and this is great and so unexpected....
    and so good-looking....
    Ross, how do you keep getting better and better all the time???
    your creative juices are in top form.....
    i applaud you....

  2. OH MY GOD!! Ross, you not only did it, but it's BEAUTIFUL. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  3. This was a surprise. I was expecting a comic version with the 1970s depowered Wonder Woman joining Mrs. Peel.

    Maybe a sequel could involve the Penguin and John Steed. Umbrellas at ten paces.

  4. Can the Avengers and the Avengers be far behind?

    1. At least Ms. Peel vs Black Widow ----- or maybe Avengers and the Avengers vs Ultron and the Cybernauts ....

  5. How about adam wests batman teaming up with james bond

    1. There's a live action version of all The Bondsmen if you want to go that route.

  6. Nice!
    In the comics pre-Crisis there actually was a group of Amazons, known to Diana, with a city of their own somewhere in the Amazon basin: I think that they'd left Paradise Island a while earlier after some disagreement with Hippolyta,

  7. Peter Peel (Emma Peel's husband) was discovered alive at the end of the episode "The Forget-Me-Knot" - her final real appearance on the series.

  8. You always surprise me when you do the live action covers. Good job.

  9. One of the "Batman 66" stories had an encounter between Mrs. Peel and Catwoman. "Nice outfit."

  10. I was a bit of a 'late bloomer' with puberty, but these two lovely ladies (along with Tina Turner) got me over the top!

  11. How's about the unbreumb academy with the penguin, Alfred and John Steele and the original academy trio

  12. I'm with MarchHareSupreme: The Avengers meeting the Avengers has been long suggested on this blog, and now that you're at least a little familiar with the British pair, it may be time to make that happen.

    The Steed vs Cobblepot umbrella duel would be loads of fun too, if it can be done! (If live-action, I'd prefer the Burgess Merideth version.)

  13. Anon 745 is right. While it's true that the depowered Diana of the early Seventies was based on Mrs. Peel, this live-action rendition is absolutely heavenly gravy on the meat of your fulfilling everybody's request. Bravo! :-)

  14. I'd love to see a live action teamup between the Reb Brown Captain America and BBC's Avengers... or a David Hasselhoff Nick Fury recruiting Uma Thurman and Ralph Fiennes from the '98 Avengers flick

  15. I'd be curious to see Alfred Pennyworth with Alice from the Brady Bunch

  16. Sam would probably get insanely jealous and butcher him.

  17. I prefer the 38-24-32 of Project A-Ko. ;-D

  18. "Blowin' like a hurrican?"

  19. Naw! That was the Scorpions.*

    *Originally known as "Mac & The Gargans."

  20. Tied up by Wonder Woman. Never thought I'd be jealous of Emma Peel!

  21. Diana's getting the truth from Mrs Peel, who probably suggested it. (Mrs Emma Knight Peel would want to see how well it worked, if at all.) It would not be surprising if the last story scene might be Steed entering a room Emma is waiting in.

    She's holding the rope and tells him to sit down. He smiles, and makes himself comfortable, thinking the rope would be for something else. Emma puts it on him, and after warning him what the rope is alleged to be able to do, starts to ask him very personal questions that she wants to know about (for her own private satisfaction, of course). Real answers or not? Steed or the magic rope?
    cue end music.🎶

  22. I'd have Steed turn out to be immune to the magic lasso by turning out to be...Count Iblis from BSG: TOS!*

    *With the rocket that Steed and Tara King took off in, at the end of the original "Avengers" series finale, having been intercepted by one of the flying saucers from Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's "UFO." That way, we could have Wonder Woman and Emma teaming up with S.H.A.D.O. and the Galacticans in a cosmic epic Ross could (tentatively) entitle...KING OF THE COSMOS! With special guest-villainess, the alien brainwashed Tara King, of course.

  23. Sure, but you could also guest Green Arrow, Jack of Hearts, (original) Bat-Hound & Ben 10. Then you could do the title "Going After The ROYAL Flush!".

  24. By the way, Ross, following the line of thought of Not Brand Ecch, what do you think of The Pun-nisher! ?

  25. I'd prefer Batman and Harry Potter teaming up against...Tom Marvolo Riddler!
