Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Hulk Vs. the Metal Men

It will be interesting to she how Shazam! fares at the theaters.  If it is a success, hopefully more of DC's lighter characters will get a chance at the movies.  Properties like The Metal Men, Plastic Man or Blue Beetle/Booster Gold have all been teased as potential films, but nothing ever seems to move past the announcements phase.  A successful outing for (the original) Captain Marvel could get them in motion again.


  1. Another great cover, Ross. I really enjoy seeing your covers everyday. I was a big team up fan. Still am.
    The big 2500 is two days away. A hundred days go fast. Anyway, how do you become a patron?
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks, Bruce! I am happy with STF #2500, looking forward to posting it on Saturday. You can become a Patron by going here:

  3. I second the outstanding work.

    When I first saw the Hulk and Metal Men heading, I instantly thought of the villain, Metal Master, a split second before seeing the rest of the cover.

  4. I see no reason the Metal Master couldn't be the villain of this piece, Wildcat. It'd only be logical for him to use his psionic control over metals to usurp control of Doc Magnus' brainchildren and vengefully use them as cannon fodder against the Hulk.

    The fight scenes, alone, in a real-world publication of this meeting, would prove far more exciting than Super Bowl 53!

  5. I would love to see a Metal Men movie. While the title characters would have to be CGI (with a little MoCap for non-action scenes), they could serve very well as the DC movie universe counterpart to the Doom Patrol -- lots of lighthearted weirdness. It could be quite something to see them up on the big screen fighting, say, Chemo.

  6. The sad thing is -- if they do make a Metal Men movie, all the trolls on the internet will accuse them of ripping off the Transformers.

  7. Only those under 2530 years-old, Bob. The same demographic who--wrongly-- thought Disney's JOHN CARTER OF MARS was a Star Wars rip-off. And/or that Alec Baldwin's version of THE SHADOW was a double rip-off of Batman and Indiana Jones. ;-)

  8. Dang buffer jumps! That should read "25-30 years-old."

  9. Nice one! I was kinda hoping we'd get a JACK OF HEARTS/CUPID team-up for Valentine's Day. Maybe next year?

  10. How about, for #2501, Iron Fist (Marvel) vs. Iron Fist (Mighty Comics #40, circa 1966) in a Tekken (= Namco Japanese for "iron fist") match?

  11. It's been so long since I have had a valentine that I always forget about this holiday...

  12. The Anonymous responder to Other Bob is right. Too many young people look only at the most recent iteration of something without actually researching its history. There was even one teenaged movie reviewer who gave a thorough analysis on how Lord of the Rings was a ripoff of Harry Potter.

    (In the 1970s one anti-disco rocker cited MacArthur Park as an example of stupid lyrics in disco songs. The song had actually been written in 1967, 7 years before disco was invented, as a commissioned for the easy-rock band The Association, only to be rejected; the writer hired Richard Harris to record it, and that version became famous. The following year Waylon Jennings covered it, and that recording won an Emmy. When I tried to explain that, the rocker simply said: "No, it wasn't," and walked off.)

    So, yes, the Internet trolls will accuse the Metal Men of ripping off Transformers and who-knows-what-else. But they're trolls; they'll do that with just about anything.

  13. I also noticed that STF2500 is coming up, and I too look forward to seeing it!

    Today's cover is good, too, but I have to it just me or are there two Mercurys??

  14. @Daviticus: I think that the one Hulk is stomping on is actually Gold, miscolored.

  15. Either that, or some of Mercury got splashed on him when the Hulk smashed the latter. Either way, I think it can safely be said that, if this were a Marvel Film, good old Stan the Man (God bless him!) would probably have entitled this: "Heavy Metal Massacre!"

    Before deliberately making sure it got released on Valentine's Day. ;-)

  16. @Bob Greenwade: Yes, that had occurred to me, too, although it seems to me that Ross should have corrected it. Oh, well... :)

  17. Actually, from a certain angle between the Hulk's knees, it looks like something else is out. X-D

  18. What would have happened if they had
    just left Hulk alone to begin with?

  19. The same thing that would've happened if Bugs Bunny had successfully turned left at Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    A lot of illegal loitering by the co-stars! ;-)
