Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Dick Tracy Vs. Batman's Villains

Well, the new Batman movie by Matt Reeves seems to finally be on the schedule and we should start hearing about casting for the new Dark Knight Detective soon.  No solid word on who the villains of the film will be yet.  I am still hoping for Professor Hugo Strange.  His Monster Men experiments could be a way to bring Killer Croc and Man-Bat into the mix.  Reeves has said that this movie will emphasize the detective aspects of Batman, so maybe some less fantastical adversaries like the Court of Owls are in store for us.

Tracy tangled with The Penguin once before, way back in my B&B: The Lost Issues days, and has also had run-ins with Catwoman and Harley Quinn...


  1. Remembering Tracy's "disfigured freaks" line from his team up with Batman. Great detective but no tact at all.

  2. I would hazard to guess that the adventure depicted by this cover coincides with Batman's subterranean stint alongside the Incredibles @ STF #2053.

  3. The description of Batman as a winged rat makes me think, maybe Deviantart could have a picture of a vampire (or fanged) RAT called Falancula (a merging of the words "falanx" (a fanged(?) descendant of rats featured in the book "After Man: a Zoology of the Future") and "Dracula").

  4. I'd like to see Tracy and Batman in a team-up against either Broadway Bates and the Penguin, or Two-Face and Haf-N-Haf.

  5. For the movie, I'd like to see a murder at a Rick Castle book signing event in Gotham, and of course Castle tries to solve it himself and keeps getting in Batman's way. Of course, it would be back to the problem where the co-star (Nathan Fillon) is a bigger name than the actor playing Batman (Nicholson/Keaton, etc).

    Or that could happen on Earth-STF instead.

  6. Ross, with two Captain Marvel movies coming out soon, would you consider a return of your Captains Marvel team?

  7. How about Rick Castle meets Frank Castle?

    Or... Marvel did a couple of miniseries about fictional author Rick Castle's fictional detective, Derrick Storm. How about Derrick Storm teamed with his cousins Sue and Johnny?

  8. And another suggestion, Mandrake and Ludwig von Drake.

  9. Or how about an all-Rick Castle cover for STF #2600?

    For instance: Nikki Heat finds out reports of Derrick Storm's death might be greatly exaggerated!

  10. How about Garfield Logan meets Garfield?

  11. Or with Disney owning Star Wars, Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Chewy.

  12. Per this source:

    >>>"Matt Reeves has stated that he wants to push The Batman into a new direction that would be truly unexpected. During an interview with New Trailer Buzz, Reeves said, “There’s a chance to do an almost noir-driven detective version of Batman that is point-of-view driven in a very, very powerful way, that will hopefully connect you to what’s going on inside of his head and inside of his heart.”<<<

    It sounds as if Bruce Wayne might go into the direction of a gum shoe narrative role. The same article does have one interesting plot that looks worthy of consideration (but possibly not, just the writer's opinion, of course):

    >>>"Batman could be on the trail of a serial capturer who is seeking out children with athletic abilities. As he begins to unravel the mystery, he could find that it goes far deeper than what he thought before. This could also be a good storyline to introduce a newer version of Dick Grayson to the films, finally giving the world a new big screen Robin."<<<

    This could also bring in Deadshot and his daughter as a potential victim and help change his focus from bad guy to an anti-hero in the likeness of the punisher. My vote would also be for Hugo Strange and/or the Court Of Owls for the next Batman movie scheduled for 2021.

  13. The funny thing about DC's live-action properties is that they've recently announced that the movies, WB programs, and DC Universe programs will all be separate universes (though I'm not clear on whether they'll be separate multiverses). So, should Titans ever bring in Superman (in conjunction with the Conner Kent Superboy), it won't be Henry Cavill or Tyler Hoechlin; and the Flash (in conjunction with Kid Flash or Impulse) won't be Grant Gustin or Ezra Miller. So, we can also have three different actors playing Batman -- four, if the upcoming film is done as a flashback with Ben Affleck in bookending scenes.

    On related note, I was trying to think of who in the DC universe would be the equivalent to the Punisher, and while Wild Dog does seem to be the closest the individual that came most strongly to mind was Batman. The thing is, Batman would be far less likely to join Frank than to try to bring him in. They actually have faced off before on this blog, way back in the B&B days, but that's a very long time ago, and I think it may be time to refresh their relationship. (Yes, they did see each other in #1309 when Superman brought the Punisher into the JLA, but we didn't really see anything between these two specifically.)

    And I see that Other Bob has echoed by idea of Castle & Castle (though I recognize that "Richard Castle" is a pseudonym; the character's actual surname is Rogers).

  14. I'd like to see the next movie Batman take on...THE MONK!

    And, no, I don't mean "Adrian." Him, I'd rather see team-up with Rocky Balboa! No, I'm talking about the one who dresses up like a highly embarrassed (and well he should be) KKK-er.

  15. @Cary Comic Is that the Doctor Who Villain?

  16. Nah-uh! The vampire who was part of the Golden Age Batman's first two-part adventure.
