Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Punisher Vs. Ambush Bug

I'm looking forward to the watching new (and it would seem, final) season of The Punisher on Netflix.  It's getting good reviews and Jon Bernthal does a great job in the role of Frank Castle.  I hope that they had some kind of heads-up on a cancellation so that the show can come to some sort of conclusion (like Daredevil) and not end on a cliffhanger (like Luke Cage).


  1. IMO, not exactly an encouragement to buy the comic. The big was amusing the first couple times he appeared then he just got annoying (kinda like Deadpool and Squirrel Girl).

  2. Has Ambush Bug ever met Bug from the Micronauts? They could team with Forager from New Gods and go after Goldbug.

  3. Don't worry, Irv. I'm sure he's bluffing. Boycott this issue, folks!

  4. Somewhere the creators of National Lampoon are smiling.

  5. @Kevin Doolittle: Deadpool had a movie that was successful enough to have a sequel, and Squirrel Girl is in a lot of comic book series.

  6. Anon #2: Also maybe Deadpol, as a violent character with a sense of humor, could be paired up with Itchy & Scratchy; Also the characters of the cartoon Mutant League, as it's the 25th anniversary of the show this year; Mutant League (and maybe Deadpool) seem like Itchy &Scratchy for grown-ups.

  7. A variation of the old "Buy This Magazine Or We'll Shoot This Dog" National Lampoon cover? I probably shouldn't hold out hope for a Deadpool / Cheech Wizard teamup should I?

  8. @Count Petofi: we're more likely to see a sequel to STF #285, first. With AB and Deadpool fighting over Angelique! ;-)

  9. @Emsley Watt: I find it more like a reversed photo of "The Tragic End of Smilin' Mike O'Reilly.* "

    *A trading card scene from the "Call of Cthulu" RPG.

  10. Has Milk & Cheese (Slave Labor Evan Dorkin) ever met the Punisher? If not they should.

  11. I think I may have suggested this pairing not too long ago.

    The really funny thing about it is that if DC and Marvel were to actually do this pairing, this is probably exactly what the cover would be like.

    And I'd probably buy a copy.

  12. Is Frank Castle any relation to the Golden Age Fiery Mask?

  13. @Brother Barnes: If it's the franchise in Dade County, Florida, then they're most likely to get arrested by Captain Castillo.*

    *MIAMI VICE: TOS reference. ;-)

  14. @Cary Comic For hanging their chads no doubt.

  15. As in, "Republic of..." or short for "Chadwick?"

  16. Cary Comic no, but as in Sore Loserman chicanery.

  17. @Cary: No, not "chicoree." "Chicanery!" It equals trickery.

    Like the kind used in the "Election" of 2016.

  18. Cary Comic you have earned my Hearty BWA-HA-HA-HAAAA!
