Saturday, September 29, 2018

Scarlet Witch and Blue Beetle

Marvel has finally announced projects for the upcoming Disney Streaming Service,  with series starring Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch and Tom Hiddleston as Loki.  I was surprised to hear the news, as these were not two characters that I expected to get the spotlight.  My preference would be to have The Vision join Scarlet Witch, but even if he somehow does get resurrected in the movies, the cost to create his visual might be too much for a TV budget.  It will be interesting to hear more about these shows as they are further developed.


  1. Scarlet Witch and Loki? It appears that the Witch will be more than just a "mutant" in movies too now. Maybe Loki will make a deal with her to get Hera to release Quicksilver and he can come back to life.

  2. Two things...

    First, the streaming article I saw speculated that Scarlet Witch and Loki could be among the “secondary characters” that the service will create miniseries for. AFAIK, neither actor has even been offered a series.

    Second, am I the only one who would’ve liked to see a green hero join red and blue? :)

  3. What I've seen about the Disney streaming service was official that the Scarlet Witch and Loki would get mini-series (separate ones, Glenn, not the same story together). I don't know anything, though, about whether Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Hiddleston have bee given official offers.

    I'm a little more interested in the other half of this pair, though. DC put a stop on the Arrowverse using Ted Kord because they had "other plans" for the Blue Beetle (and thus we got a goofy version of Ray Palmer), but after almost five years the only news I've heard about that is rumors of an appearance on the CW after all. I'd really love to see Ted in live action as Blue Beetle (we got a good show by Jaime on Smallville, and while Ted took part in that story he never suited up).

    Rev. Bob: I actually was thinking of white.

  4. I'd watch a Scarlet Witch mini, but I'm not a fan of the way each corporation is now offering a streaming service of its own output. I don't like any company enough to pay for exclusive content. For example: I'm sure it's a fine show but I'll never see Star Trek Discovery until it's available somewhere else.

  5. I would enjoy a Doc Samson live action (or quality CGI) situation comedy period piece in the 1980's about his practice dealing with Super-Egos. Or an Earth-X cop show featuring officer Peter Parker a dramatic comedy (light on the comedy). Or an adventure series about Mount Wundagore kind of like the first season of Stargate Atlantis but with unused/underused Marvel Adventurers & Adventuresses from the books.

  6. The Scarlet Witch team up with Scarlett (DC Vampire Hunter (that becomes a Vampire) a sort of Barbra Gordon Surrogate from the early 1990's a fun book.), and Scarlett ( IDW Silent Weapons Specialist of the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Team ('Cuz it's Hama Time!) against Mister Nebula & The Scarlet Skier (DC) In Paint The Town RED.

  7. I'd rather see the Scarlet Witch team up with the White Witch. Perhaps as part of a feud between Kang and Mordru!

  8. @Anonymous: Didn't Ross already do that one?

  9. @Carycomic: Not that I've been able to find.

  10. I think when the Vision is revised after next Avengers movie (I think the movie will be like Marvel comics - lots of deaths and then lots of revivals) he could be revised with a slightly different look making him easier to use on TV.

    Agree completely about streaming services. Spend enough on utilities and do not another monthly cost.

  11. On the subject of this cover, it looks like they are about to undo the evil that is AKU to me. Jack Jack Jack.

  12. Only if Aku wound up teleporting to their world after being retroactively defeated in the "Samurai Jack" feature-length epilogue.

  13. Cary Comic my answer to that is: IDIC, "...Imagine you was me and I was called Frankenstein...Worlds Without End..." - blUe oySTeR cUlt (from Imaginos). "...It's Not Reality, It's Just A Fantasy..." - AldO NovA (From AldO NovA), and "Hold On Tight To Your Dreams" - The EleCtriC LiGHt orchESTra.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Major shout out to Super Team family. They’re killing it with these covers. Absolutely amazing 🤩
