Sunday, September 30, 2018

OMAC and The Falcon

OMAC is another character that I am hoping will make an appearance on DC's Legends of Tomorrow.  For a time travelling show, they haven't spent much time going to the future and I would like to see more of that.  Maybe they can bring the already established Jonah Hex with them so they can do a riff on his futuristic Hex series.


  1. I would love to see Jonah Hex join the full-time cast of Legends. And I agree that an OMAC episode would be awesome. A Kamandi episode (or two-parter) would be even better.

  2. Maybe a Kamandi episode could have some sort of reference to Captain Carrot... (Kamandi's anthropomorphic animals and the denizens of Captain Carrot's world look pretty similar!).

  3. I doubt Legends has the budget, but I'd love to see at least a partially-animated episode of Legends meeting CC & the Justa Lotta Animals! I wonder which Legend has a secret furry fetish?

  4. I find Legends of Tomorrow to be the least enjoyable of the CW DC shows. The stories aren't very good and they have gradually lost the best characters. I think to fix it they should add a few more characters (maybe Booster Gold, The Creeper, and Power Girl). They should also lean it more towards comedy like the Giffin Bwahahaha Justice League and embrace that this is a team of losers.

  5. @Poochy--can't agree with that. Supergirl is more soaper than super, and the Flash can't pick a tone and stick with it. Maybe the upcoming season with XS will get them back on track, maybe it won't--but LoT is a lot more self-aware, and that's fun.

  6. I do agree that having Booster Gold and Jonah Hex joining the Legends on their travels would be great fun. Booster would fit with them just right, and a connection to Jonah's stay in the distant future would be a great addition to the Arrowverse's lore.

    I also like the idea of meeting Kamandi, with plenty of Captain Carrot Easter Eggs (appropriate, of course, since he is a rabbit). The anthropomorphic animals can be done simply enough with simple prosthetics and/or mocap.

    @Jay: Mick.

  7. Conversely, Legends of Tomorrow is my favorite Arrowverse show by a W I D E margin. I would love to see an animated episode guest staring the Zoo Crew. I also think that Booster Gold would fit right in. I don't think Power Girl would work because her power set would dominate and throw off the balance of the team. And while I'm a big fan of the Creeper, I don't think that he is right for this particular team. In general, I would like to see more guest stars from DC's past like the Unknown Soldier, Anthro, the Blackhawks, Viking Prince and Tomahawk.

  8. Dear Ross: didn't you once do a team up with Jonah Hex leading a team of 19th century mutants called "The Hex Men?"

    If not; how about one day depicting same?

  9. How about Zoo Crew meeting the Legion of Super-Pets (including Zabu and Redwing)?

  10. @Carycomic: Zabu and Redwing are already committed to the Animal Avengers.

  11. @my namesake: I think you mean "The Pet Avengers."

  12. @Anonymous: tomato/potato.

  13. On the topic of favorite Arrowverse shows, mine's The Flash. It's all just a matter of personal taste; I don't dislike any of them (though last season's finale on Legends of Tomorrow was a bit too over-the-top silly even for me).

    @Cary: The Zoo Crew and Legion of Super-Pets are both DC entities, so you should write to them. (And I think they should -- and just might -- do it!)

  14. I meant Zoo Crew and the Pet Avengers being shown teaming up, here, courtesy of our host. :-)

  15. @Anon #2: You're thinking of the Amalgam title, "Generation Hex." It was a real comic book, so you can actually find it and read it if you want to!

  16. @James Hawk III, Batman-13, & Poochy: The whole Arrowverse ultimately came to suck. Case closed, never to be re-opened..
