Monday, October 1, 2018

Captain Marvel and The Invaders in: "Pyramid Scheme!"

This was one of those covers that looks relatively simple but took a bit of tweaking to get just right.  Captain Marvel's position worked for what I was going for, but his right leg had cover elements on it that I had to "erase" and his left leg was missing entirely, requiring a "transplant" form the reversed right one.  The Human Torch's body needed to be flipped horizontally to work, which then required me to fix parts of the pyramids in the background.  With a new sky added in, I finally got the image looking the way I had it in my mind's eye.

Captain Marvel first met The Invaders in STF #1214...


  1. Nice rendering! Reminds me of a Silver Age JLA/JSA team-up cover, featuring Solomon Grundy poised to crush GL Hal Jordan with the body of Earth-1's Superman.

  2. Cap Marvel fighting the Invaders?! I suspect a certain worm's involved.

  3. I've a "mind" to agree with you, Mr. C!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'd love to see a sequel wherein the Golden Age Capt. Marvel takes on the Scarlet Scarab. The pyramid on this cover making me think the latter is protecting it. So Mr. Mind has taken over BB's body because CM is the only one individually more powerful than SS!

  6. False, Shazam is Shazam. The unique Captain Marvel is Carol Danvers. Shazam not is worthy of the title. Never was. Change the name to "Shazam vs the Invaders".
