Friday, September 28, 2018

Deadman and Casper

I was a big fan of the DC Nation shorts that ran on the Cartoon network a few years back.  It was cool to see little used DC heroes in action as well as some very unique takes and design styles.  The Deadman shorts were a blast and seemed to me to be at least in part inspired by Casper comics, so I thought it might be fun to bring the ghotsly duo together here.


  1. Awesome team-up. Love the Deadman look. Very cool.

  2. hot stuff on justice league dark or meets marvels hellstrom

  3. Love it! Long live the great Harvey characters. I've never seen those Deadman cartoons, so I'll have to seek them out.

  4. Brilliant
    I can envision a lineup of DC/Harvey teamups now... The Demon & Hot Stuff... Zatanna and Wendy the Witch... Harley Quinn & Baby Huey...
    And because I can't let a potential Simpsons gag go unsuggested, Little Lulu & Silk Spectre

  5. Does Casper eat breakfast at the New England restaurant The Friendly Toast? LOLXD

  6. Interesting premise! Although, I think Cartoon Network ripped off Tim Burton with their version of Deadman. He looks more like Jack Skellington!

  7. Strange look for Deadman. But then again, he did get his start in Strange Adventures!

  8. Cool team-up, but also a very natural one as well. I imagine Casper would finally have someone to help fight off his evil, bullying uncles.

    I love those animated shorts too, especially the Doom Patrol, Animal Man and Atom ones.
    Oh and the Super Baby ones too.

  9. How about DC Nation meets the Marvel Superhero Squad?

    That way the short heroes of the former can team up with the short heroes of the latter in a story that could only be entitled...

    "Short Subjects!"

  10. What would Deadman look like in the artwork of Tiny Titans, etc.; he probably would look similar.

  11. Anonymous:
    Here's Deadman as drawn by Art 'Tiny Titans' Baltazar

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hmmph! That rendering makes him look more like one of the zombies from FEAR THE WALKING DEAD. Hardly an improvement!

  14. @Carycomic: Hey! Give the guy a break. Not everybody can draw poor Boston like Carmine Infantino did.
