Thursday, February 22, 2018

Black Panther and Pink Panther

Black Panther is a great addition to the Marvel movies.  It is visually gorgeous, there's always something interesting to look at on screen.  The cast is solid across the board - I really enjoyed all of the supporting characters, particularly Shuri and M'Baku.  The villain had a decent motivation, and while the third act strayed into some familiar areas plot-wise, I found the film to be unique and engaging.  One minor complaint is that T'challa just felt like one character in an ensemble rather than the main star - I wish he had one or two more big scenes.  That and giving Klaw a more comics-accurate appearance would be the only issues I had with the film though, on the whole it's a blast to watch, and highly recommended.


  1. "Wakand Fool Am I?"

    I LOVE IT! :-)

    And, obviously, this was done in fulfillment of several previous fan requests. I can only hope they appreciate as much as I do.

    As to BP: The Movie? I saw it Opening Night, at my hometown multiplex. Definitely a 9-out-of-10! The one-star deduction being for the absence of Monica Lynn, however. I had no complaints with Klaw being ret-conned as a cyborg merc from South Africa, as, in his case, becoming a creature of living sound would entail involvement with the Fantastic Four (just like in his Silver Age comic book origin). And the FF have yet to make an appearance in the shared Marvel Cinema-verse.

    My only other nitpick against the movie? Killmonger's leopard-spotted helmet/mask. It made him look more like that early Daredevil foe, Tagak the Leopard Lord!

  2. After the last appearance of the Black Panther and the comments about his pink cousin, I am not shocked to see this.

  3. When i suggested a George of the Jungle/Black Panther team-up(?), I think the depiction of natives as white people was better than "Amos and Andy"-type humor.

  4. Next issue: Ant-Man and the Aardvark!

  5. I already have tickets for the film next Wednesday (by way of Fandango, courtesy of a Christmas gift from my sister), but I've read a good bit about it. Many are calling it the best Marvel movie yet, and a couple of commentators have pointed out ways that it can impact world society. I'm very much looking forward to it, and you can expect my comments on it the next time the character shows up on this blog.

    As for today's cover, the only problem I have with it is that BP's pose doesn't seem to quite fit the scene. I'm guessing that it was just to terribly hard to find something that would fit with a picture of Clouseau. Every other touch here is just right, though -- particularly the title.

    Oh, and speaking of future appearances by Black Panther, Lupita Nyong'o has offered up a few ideas for titles, as quoted in this article. I'm especially fond of the first two.

  6. I could not stop laughing for a few minutes after title. Thanks.

  7. Great title!

    Have you ever teamed up the Black Panther and the animated version of the Pink Panther?

  8. You don't see those paw prints?

  9. But isn't this actually 'The Black Panther and Inspector Clouseau'? The Pink Panther is a diamond ... ;-)

  10. @Kaptain Kobold: If I recall correctly, after the fiasco with the Pink Panther diamond, "The Pink Panther" became an unofficial, mocking nickname for Clouseau, hence its name in almost all of the other movies in the series. (Not included would be A Shot in the Dark, with Peter Sellers, and Inspector Clouseau, which starred Alan Arkin instead of Sellers.

  11. I can't say that with 100% certainty, however. I do know that the diamond reappeared in a later film.

  12. Silver Foxx is right. It's similar to the first film adaptation of Dashiell Hammett's THE THIN MAN, starring Wm. Powell and Myrnal Loy as Nick and Nora Charles (respectively). In the movie, as in the book, the title referred to the missing person whom the Depression-era "Hart2Hart" were trying to find! It was the notoriety from the solving of that case that earned Powell's version of Nick the sobriquet of "Thin Man."

  13. P.S.---it might be difficult finding suitable photo-captures to match up (perhaps one or two from "Gotham Girls: Hold That Tiger?"). But, how about one featuring Zatanna--for some reason--magically caging The Black Panther!

  14. @Anonymous: Awesome idea! Maybe she could even have a reverse word balloon where she tells T'Challa:

    "I denruT ekuL otnI A laeR egaC!"
