Friday, February 23, 2018

Wildcat and Hawkeye

Avengers Spotlight, once titled Solo Avengers, was a fun comic.  Not only was it the first time that Hawkeye had an ongoing series of his own, each issue had a back-up feature that focused on another Avenger that was in need of more exposure.  I liked finally seeing Hawkeye's back story filled out and enjoyed the rotation of artist and writers.  These days, there are many Avengers spin off comics, but it was still a cool thing to see back in the late 80's.


  1. Hawkeye and Wildcat's definitely a team-up I'd like to see!

  2. I could see Hawkeye showing up at Ted's gym ... with trouble. Not like how Clint is treated in the current Hawkeye series too much. If Marvel could get the current writer of Avengers to also write a solo Avengers series integrated with main story line that would be cool but in today's event based series that is very hard.

  3. "Killer Cargo," huh?

    I have to wonder if it might be a mind-controlled version of that public domain heroine, Marga the Panther Woman? She was one of those Golden Age knock-offs of Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. But, with an origin that, today, might qualify her to be one of the High Evolutionary's so-called "New Men!"

    On top of which, she had an aviator-boyfriend named...Ted Grant.

  4. Excellent depiction, Ross!

    Have you ever thought of doing a sequel to STF #177?

  5. I would buy this issue today. Two of my all-time favorites!

  6. Ken said...
    "I would buy this issue today. Two of my all-time favorites!"

    Two of mine, as well.
    This could lead easily into an Avengers/JSA team-up... or even into a JLA/JSA team-up, since there was at least one continuity (albeit only briefly, from our viewpoint, during the official JLA/Avengers crossover) in which Hawkeye moved to the DCU & joined the JLA...
