Friday, December 22, 2017

The Spectre and Doctor Strange in: "Bloodlust for the Baron!"

After seeing how effectively Steve Ditko's otherworldly designs were incorporated into the Doctor Strange movie, I really want to see what can be done with The Spectre on the big screen.  I think that a visually inventive director could really have fun with his appearance, powers, and journeys intothe minds of criminals to mete out justice.

This is the third meeting between these two heroes - they battled Nightmare in STF #458, and first met way back in STF #110...


  1. I can understand why the Spectre might be ticked off at Doc. The latter's vow to the Ancient One included never using his white magic to deliberately kill...for any reason. A vow that Mordo, himself, once declared Strange would have to break to keep Mordo from ultimately killing _him_ !

    As for a feature-length film about the Spectre? I have no doubt that could be done using the same special effects team that brought Dr. Manhattan to cinematic life in THE WATCHMEN. But, I still might not go to see it unless it were part of the post-DAWN OF JUSTICE universe. Something they (Time-Warner) could plausibly accomplish by Afro-Americanizing Jim Corrigan!*

    *They have valid precedent. During the early Seventies, Jimmy Olsen's chief police contact (within the eponymous comic book) was a black foot patrolman named James Corrigan!!

  2. ... would that be the black James Olsen from the CW Arrowverse???

  3. @Jack-El: Nope! It was the freckled-faced redhead who, shortly afterward,became the investigative reporter by-lined as "Mr. Action." But, with the new version of Jimmy Olsen made so popular by SUPERGIRL, that should make the introduction of Officer James Corrigan (late of Metropolis' Finest) all the easier!

  4. I think James Wan would be the best candidate to bring forth the Horror, Magic, and Heroism of The Spectre (what if that Nun Demon in the Covenant 2 was a force of vengeance against evil?)and the film should absolutely be Rated R!! otherwise forget it.

  5. People, Jim died completely with his soul getting to Heaven. For a while,Spectre had no human anchor. Finally, an African American det from Gotham was murdered and became Spectre's plus one. This also gave Spectre a beard.
    Spectre is one of the few DC characters that has had major changes (in hosts) while staying the same basic character. He has even been possessed by the Joker. He could have a series of movies about him, like Dr Who, with all sorts of actors playing his anchor....even a woman was in control of his form for a bit. Spectre with breasts was different. Made me wonder what would happen if Diana became his anchor for a while? Would she be that much different from Hal Jordan's time at the controls?

  6. @Tobor: not a good idea. You'd have too many armchair fundamentalist Christians coming out of the woodwork, protesting the soul of a "heathen female" being put in charge of "God's work." Nor am I exaggerating!

    I have a pen pal who's a Seventh-Day Adventist. And, for all his professed love for the adventures of WW, he often posts on-line pastiches where she "sees the light" and converts!

  7. Missed the woman as the Spectre. I'd like to see a director with some serious horror chops to take a crack at the Spectre but by horror I do not mean the slasher/animated toy/etc type.

    The use of different actors per movie would be an interesting idea but unfortunately it would lead to "well known" actors playing role like Jesse Eisenberg, How much better would Superman and BvS film be with Michael Rosenbaum? Well maybe Jesse Eisenberg will break his neck snowmobiling or some other foolish way and he will need to be replaced. The choosing of a relative unknown Christopher Reeve for Superman is partly why it turned out so well.
