Thursday, December 21, 2017

Booster Gold and Doctor Who (Part Two)

Presenting the exciting conclusion to yesterdays cover...

I'm looking forward to this year's Docter Who Christmas Special, they ar often my favorite episodes of the season.  This one looks to introduce the 13th Doctor, Jodie Whittaker.  I haven't hear anything about a new companion, though - I wonder if it wll be a male partner since they are going with a female Doctor Who for the first time.  Either way, the dynamic between the two should be different from what viewers have seen before.


  1. 13 will have 3 companions, 2 male and 1 female. The TARDIS hasn't been that crowded since the days of the Fifth Doctor. Not sure, but it looks like they're hedging their bets, in case the female Doctor isn't accepted by the audience.

  2. Joseph and Cary already hit on two of the three comments I wanted to make on this.

    The third is: Wow.

  3. Now we need a crossover between K-9 and Skeets' Roboforce!
