Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Fantastic Four and The Iron Giant

This is actually the third part of a stealth-three part tale.  Long time STF visitors will know that there's good reason for the Iron Giant to eat the Fantasticar (other than the tasty metal).  It was established back in STF #274  that The Iron Giant was actually a Transformer... and of course, STF #807 revealed that the Fantasticar is actually a Decepticon!  So, it all makes sense.  Who says this isn't the swingin' age of crossover continuity?

Wer'e just a week away from the STF 2000th issue 100-Page Giant!


  1. Another GREAT cover and connective story... love the crossover aspect of the three covers... Great, great, great
    ... can't wait for the 100 page anniversary special....
    lovin' it all...


    Mark Grunewald would be proud.

  3. Thanks, guys - I have to admit that I didn't consciously plan these as connecting covers, but it kind of worked out continuity-wise!

  4. We need to find some way to get these three covers side-by-side, epic-style.

    In any event, this is a fun cover.

  5. Wow, that's kinda crazy because I was just thinking of suggesting another Iron Giant teamup! :D (Was thinking IG and the Metal Men)
    Love the trilogy bit, always fun to go back and see the connections

  6. Hm. Since I'm just now thinking it, maybe a team-up of The Iron Giant and Groot is in order... :)

  7. Really cool, and this might be the most fitting of all you Iron Giant team-ups. The whole late 50s/early 60s sci-fi vibe.

    My only complaint, is I wish it could have been Kirby art for the F.F., but still really cool.

  8. @Green Luthor; Groot of GOTG vs. Groot the Barbarian would be more appropriate.

  9. @Ross: he probably just escaped from one of those dragon-infested dungeons. ;-)
