Saturday, May 27, 2017

Starfire and Lilandra

Lilandra had such an odd design - I never could quite figure out if that was her hair or a headdress - but for some reason I always thought she looked kind of cool.  I remember liking her relationship with Professor X, I wish that had gone on a little longer.


  1. Her 'hair' is actually feathers I think.

  2. Yes, feathers. Somewhere it states that the Shi'ar are avian.

  3. About Professor X and her, well, long distance relationships are hard to maintain.

  4. Well, partially descended from Avians, anyhow. Those breasts are clearly mammalian. Alien avian with mammalian characteristics or gene therapy? They are clearly sci-fi high tech, but the extent of genetic advancement isn't depicted. I don't think the Shiar are depicted as "Post-Shiar".

  5. I've often wondered if the Golden Age Red Raven's foster people were of mixed Inhuman/Shi'ar heritage. Hence, the prevalence of so many winged individuals.* In any case; how about Spidey and Lee Falk's Phantom vs. Kraven the Silver Age Hunter for five issues from now? I mean, let's face it. After that ish, it's all downhill to the Big One-Nine-Double-Oh!

    *As opposed to the seemingly pure-blooded Inhumans who never seem to develop the same super-power twice after the coming-of-age Terrigen Mist ritual.

  6. @Carycomic: nah! Ross should save that one for #1900, itself! #1875 should be a little zanier. Like, say, Ash Williams meets Capt. Carrot, Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, Thunderbunny, Bucky O'Hare, Space Usagi, and Bugs Bunny as Super Rabbit! Versus... Army of Darkness led by Evil Dead Flaming Carrot.

  7. I'm still waiting for a Yondu/Mary Poppins team-up/battle ;)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Just a lot of tuneful whistling helps the yaka arrow fly."
    The yaka arrow FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! The yaka arrow fly."

  10. Yes mammalian features have been shown in comics on avian and even reptilian humanoid aliens so it is assumed that those features have an evolutionary advantage no matter what stock humanoid aliens come from. Even seen mammalian features on energy beings.

  11. @GH: precisely why I feel the reptilian origin of the Cylons (from BSG:TOS) should have been retained by the (sometimes overly maudlin) Syfy Channel remake.
