Sunday, May 28, 2017

Cannonball and Bulletman

Details are emerging about the New Mutants film, with some casting choices already made.  It's described more as a horror movie than a traditional superhero flick, and there will be no costumes.  That's too bad, the black and yellow uniforms used in X-Men: First Class and Deadpool worked pretty well, and I was looking forward to seeing, Sam, Dani and the rest in their classic outfits.


  1. @ HB: Which Green Arrow? Clean-shaven Golden Ager; or liberal goateed Silver Ager?

    @Ross: if the New Mutants flick is going to be more like a horror movie, I would postulate that it might involve the xenomorphic-looking N'garai. If so, I'd LOVE to see Sigourney Weaver as Moira McTaggart!

    On a lighter note: how about Mickey Mouse meets the TMNT?

  2. I think they are adapting the Demon Bear saga.

  3. "National security," eh?

    Let's see; Bulletman married Susan Kent. He and Sam appear to be headed roughly northeast. Some kind of trouble at the Fortress of Solitude, maybe? Like, say, Lila Cheney being forced to bring renegade Kryptonians out of the Phantom Zone?*

    *She is one of the most powerful teleporters in the Marvel multiverse.

  4. Nice cover! Great to see the long-forgotten BULLETMAN. Now you need to get him teamed-up with Marvel's underrated TORPEDO.

  5. Regarding "New Mutants" - have you seen what Fox did to the Dark Phoenix Saga, Days of Future Past, and generally most of the X-Men properties? And you think there will be anything faithful to the real New Mutants? We'll be lucky if any of the characters actually appear in the movie (/sarcasm off).

    'Sides, didn't they already do Cannonball in Deadpool? Just changed the name to Teenage Negasonic Warhead....

    But this team up is brilliant. Bulletman was one of those characters who were in the Hawkman or Captain America mold in my opinion; more powerful than a human, but not in the Superman/Thor class.

    And Cannonball always had a lot of potential to be a very powerful and viable lead hero. I stopped reading X-Men books not too long after New Mutants came out, so I don't know whatever was developed with him... one of thousands of mutants. Too bad. I'll bet he'd have made a hell of an Avenger.

  6. @ELS: and the "thousands of mutants" were eventually reduced to several dozen handfuls by the Scarlet Witch. The writers' reason? Too many mutants were starting to pop up in other X-titles. And, let's face; there's no such thing as a persecuted majority!

  7. @ Ross: TMNT is going to meet the Demon Bear???

  8. @Anonymous: No, he was referring to the New Mutants story arc wherein the mystery of Dani Moonstone's parents' disappearance was finally solved. A bigger mystery to solve, though, is how Marvel Films is ever going to reduce that story line to just 2.5 hours!*

    *They'd probably be better off having the New Mutants meet the TMNT. Maybe to solve the mystery of how Splinter swapped interdimensional places with Mickey Mouse. ;-)

  9. @ Carycomic: you seem kind of fixated on Disney characters. Did Ross create a Frankenstein with STF #1852?

  10. More like a Frankenstein, Jr. ;-D

  11. I think the Demon Bear saga will translate well as a horror story. And the uniforms, though I love them, would be a bit garish and out of place in a suspense film.

    For all of the pre-judgey alarmists: it's not going to be a slasher flick, nor will it be a traditional superhero movie. It's going to be a teen-ish flick of mystery, suspense, thrills & chills, whose cast members just happen to have super powers.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @ELS: Keep in mind that Negasonic Teenage Warhead was an obscure character before appearing in Deadpool.

    Plus, it's already been confirmed that Cannonball, Danielle, Wolfsbane, Magik, Sunspot and Warlock are appearing in the film and let's face it, Fox has done a better job with the X-Men films now than before since most of the blame of the meddling on the latter (as in the X-Men films before First Class) is towards Tom Rothman, who now runs Sony.

  14. Actually, Matthew Vaughn's effort in the series was such a disappointing nadir, I shamelessly--and seriously--refer to it, to this day, as X-MEN: LOW CLASS!

    1. Any reason why you consider First Class the nadir, given that you call it Low Class?

  15. No costumes,no money from my pocket.

  16. @ Mateus: too much ret-conning prior to X-MEN: DOFP. For example? Emma Frost being ten years younger, in X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE (which was set circa 1979) than she was in LOW CLASS (set during the Cuban Missile Crisis).

    1. Actually, that Emma in Origins isn't Emma Frost despite having the same powers plus Origins has a lot more continuity problems than First Class. So, she's Emma Silverfox than Emma Frost in order to avoid confusing her with Emma in First Class.

      So, you're saying that Origins is a better film than First Class? That I disagree and one of the few good things about it IMO was Liev Schreiber's take on Sabretooth since to me, he's what Sabretooth should've been than the one we saw in the first film (no offense to people who liked the take on him in that film) and I was glad that Fox almost got Schreiber instead of Tyler Mane, to have him reprise his role in Logan. Almost because Schreiber was unable to do so due to his commitments in Ray Donovan and the character ultimately didn't appear in the film.

  17. Undeniably better, yeah! If it had been spelled out, in LOW CLASS, that Emma Frost of the Cuban Missile Crisis was, like, the unwed mother of Silver Fox's teenage disco-era foster sister, in ORIGINS, then _maybe_ my opinion would be reversed. Emphasis on the "maybe!"
