Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Snow White and the Seven Soldiers of Victory

I thought that this team-up suggestion by Bob Greenwade in the comments section of a recent cover was a little odd, but it kept rattling around in the back of my brain, so I decided to give it a shot.  I actually caught some of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves on TV yesterday, and after all these years I still find it very watchable.  The artwork and animation holds up amazingly well, it's a testament to the talents of the Disney crew that worked on it so many decades ago.


  1. I'm so glad you did this. I laughed out loud when I read Bob's suggestion in the comments. It's a brilliant idea and executed quickly and well.

  2. Thank you very much, Ross, for the early birthday present!

    (Unless, of course, you have Wolverine and Ambush Bug planned for Thursday. That would be one the money and on the day!)

  3. This is superb. Something I've toyed with in the course of conversation with friends is the 7 Dwarves and Shazam vs. The 7 Deadly Sins. Might be interesting.

  4. What's next? Bozo verse IT?

  5. @ my namesake above: How about Darkseid vs. Pureheart The Powerful?

    @ Ross and Bob Greenwade: you are both mad geniuses. Bravo! :-)

  6. Thank you, Bob, for making the suggestion, and thank you, Ross, for bringing it to life is so brilliant a fashion....

  7. Man, that's clever. I never would have thought of that! Love the design. You came up with!

  8. I thought the idea was amusing but not likely, especially so soon! It came off well considering the Disney animation style is different than SSV. The images blend well and the characters are interacting in a natural way.

  9. Other anons, I can see lots of possibilities for other fairytale or Disney movie tie-ins. Dream Girl as Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin with Johnny Thunder's Thunderbolt as the genie, Beauty and the Swamp Thing, Groot as Pinocchio... The Little Mermaid on its own has so many possibilities: Aquaman, Namor, Lori Lemaris, Dolphin...if the art work can fit together.

  10. Whoops. I forgot Ross had already done https://braveandboldlost.blogspot.co.id/2014/01/agents-of-abyss.html

  11. I suddenly wish someone would make a movie called SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN SAMURAI.


  12. Alaric Shapli said...
    "I suddenly wish someone would make a movie called SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN SAMURAI."

    A quick google, and _

  13. I KNEW I should have tried googling it before posting that... :)

  14. @The Anon who responded to the other anons: To paraphrase the immortal words of Adrian Monk?

    "Unless I'm wrong (which, of course, I never am) this team-up actually might work! Seeing as how Snow White's stepmother and JLA foe the Queen of Fables are supposedly one and the same."

  15. Cary: Monk's actual phrase is, "Unless I'm wrong, which of course I'm not...." Elsewise I think you're right.

  16. Now i don't feel so silly for thinking of the x files in gravity falls.

  17. "Seeing as how Snow White's stepmother and JLA foe the Queen of Fables are supposedly one and the same."

    That had slipped my mind, but yes, that makes it an even better idea.

  18. @Bob Greenwade: Hence, my use of the word "paraphrasing." LOL!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Personally, I hope she keeps them permanently that size. ;-D

  21. Can you imagine a shrunken Spider-man and/or Batman meeting Snow White and all the other Disney Princesses similar to how Vanellope met them in WRECK-IT RALPH 2?

  22. Btw: to the family and friends of those who worked on the pioneering feature film SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN DWARFS? Happy (Belated) 85th Anniversary!
