Friday, May 19, 2017

All-Star Squadron in the Marvel Universe

All-Star Squadron #1 had one of my all-time favorite comic covers.  The image of Hawkman, Dr. Mid-Nite and The Atom selecting who would be members of the new team was used as an advertisement leading up to the series, and it fascinated me.  In those pre internet spoiler days, I really has no idea which of the featured heroes would make the cut.  I just had to get the issue as soon as it came out - and I wasn't disappointed!


  1. Great choice of a cover and great composition to make each photo work.

  2. As much as I liked The Invaders - I really liked All-Star Squadron!!!. I liked how it tied together the JSA and launched Infinity, Inc. - another series I really enjoyed following. Comics in the '80's - good times, good times.

  3. I agree about that having been a lovely cover, and with AirDave's comments. 'All-Star Squadron' was one of the titles that got me back into reading superhero comics, after a break for most of my teens during which I was only getting Conan & related titles.
    DC re-used the concept when JSA was re-started as 'Justice Society of America' after the Infinite Crisis: Issue #1 of that series came with two possible covers, one based on this and the other showing Society members sitting around their table c.f. [I think] 'All-Star Comics' #3.

    For bonus trivia points, folks, who was the only one out of the heroes shown as potential members on the cover of All-Star Squadron Comics #1 whom Roy Thomas didn't manage to include in any issue before the series was cancelled?


    "Which three Earth-616 heroes have been corrupted by the Spear of Destiny?", you ask: H'mm, looking at the photos here the only obvious candidate for that role out of that selection would probably be Hercules.

    Hey, maybe the Spear was why Thor initially fell in with Hitler's wishes so readily when he was summoned to Earth in an 'Invaders' story?

  4. "Which three Earth-616 heroes have been corrupted by the Spear of Destiny?", you asked: "H'mm, looking at the photos here the only obvious candidate for that role out of that selection would probably be Hercules" I replied.

    And I suppose also Sasquatch, because of the Great Beasts' initially-secret role in his origin. What's the currently canonical situation re a supernatural basis for any abilities used by either the Black Panther or the Black Cat?

  5. I would say USAgent (Capt. America wanna-be who started out as the all-too aptly named Super Patriot); Black Cat (a woman scorned once too often); and Sue Richards the Invisible Woman (the Spear's influence causing a left-behind "Seed of Malice" to germinate).

  6. In response to Simreeve-I think off the top of my head Captain Triumph?

  7. USAgent would not be vulnerable - only super powered & magical heroes were. Hercules & Sasquatch are obvious targets. Others I think would be Quicksilver & Johnny 4 but I think Invisible Woman would be most dangerous. I do not recognize two of the pictures - I think the one in black with red helm is Clint Barton as Ronin which put him twice in picture and no idea of one in blue & white without face.

  8. The A.S.S. were probably my favorite comic as a kid (despite -- or perhaps because of? -- having such an unfortunately acronym). I loved the deep history of the team, and the way it tied into to genuine WWII history. This team was in many ways the greatest casualty of Crisis on Infinite Earths. There was simply no way it could exist in the one-earth chronology; it was completely written out of continuity. But at its peak it was excellent, in terms of writing, action, characters, the works.

  9. Don Berner said...
    "In response to Simreeve-I think off the top of my head Captain Triumph?"


  10. @ Glenn Host: not if the Super-soldier Serum was Miraclo-based! It was demonstrated, in a Silver Age Dr. Fate/Hourman team-up, that magic and Miraclo have a mutally adverse effect on each other.

  11. I think Puck would prove to be vulnerable to the Spear of Destiny, as well as Sasquatch, Hercules, Thor, Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Dagger, and possibly The Shroud.

  12. Thinking about it: If the partly-visible figure in blue & white is Northstar, weren't he & his sister revealed at some point to be partly Faerie in ancestry? If so, then presumably he might be vulnerable to the Spear for that reason...

  13. Sersi of the Eternals might be able to resist the Spear's influence. Her powers aren't magical so much as hyper-evolved psionic!

  14. I hope for the retorn of the all star squadrom. 😀 i rili hope😂
