Thursday, March 23, 2017

Storm and Dr. Mist

Dr. Mist is another character that I feel DC could do a lot more with.  I was a fan of The Global Guardians, and as their leader I felt that he should have had a higher profile in the DCU. I remember liking that he took such an active role in Primal Force, but when that title went away. so did he for the most part. Still, all it takes is a good writer and an idea and he can return one of these days.


  1. Primal Force was such an oddity. One of the things I was amazed by was the beat-up, broken-down, speechless Red Tornado. He just seemed so lost. Boom, the next thing, he's the liaison for Young Justice! I still wonder if Primal Force just ran its course or if it was cut short before it really caught on.

  2. One of the best Dr. Mist stories, and an overall fantastic story, is the Secret Origins issue with origins of Dr. Mist, Zatara, and Zatanna. Thank you for featuring Nommo today!

  3. When Primal Force came out, i was no longer buying comics. I felt that the industry had truly collapsed creatively at that point and i had moved on to purchasing graphic novels like Persopolis or Joe Sacco's Palestine. I was now an exclusive "browzer", flipping thru issues at specialty shops, and sighing at the decline in quality of the major publications.

  4. I, too, liked Dr. Mist better when he was more pro-active as the Silver Age leader of the Global Guardians. Thanks for this pairing, Ross.

    Btw: how about Deadpool and the Elongated Man for #1900?

  5. Very good cover, Ross. If you're a fan of the Global Guardians you should watch Powerless on NBC. Three of them showed up so far ( Jac O'Lantern, Silver Fox and Olympian). Fire is coming soon and the show is getting better and better. Thanks again for all the great effort.

  6. Bloodwynd is another Magic Based African American character that is woefully under used.
