Thursday, March 9, 2017

Justice League of America Vs. The Phoenix in "Resurrection and Revenge!"

This cover continues the League's ongoing struggles with The Dark Phoenix.  She is of course referring here to the events of STF #409.  She also attacked the JLA in STF #1626 and they certainly weren't saying "Bwa-ha-ha" in STF #229.  Heck, she even gave them a hard time as innocent young Jean Grey back in STF #699...


  1. I remember those expressions! From when the JSA/JLA and All-Stars faced Per Degaton!

    I'm still trying to figure out how the X-Men film franchise let so many continuity errors slip through... it's almost like they really were trying to create a live-action comic book.

  2. @Air Dave: I'm trying to figure out what Ross has planned for nine issues from now. ;-D

  3. On a slightly more serious note? Don't blame them, Jean. Blame the f-ugh-ly mind-controlling parasite atop Zatanna's coiffure!

  4. @AirDave - I was about to ask where the JLA's heads were from, but you answered for me. :)

    @Cary - #1800 should be as fun as all of his other "hundreds." I'm wondering, though, how possible it would be to have a nod to a certain movie for #2001... Like, a certain Green Lantern trying futilely to get a door open....

    @Ross - This is one really exciting-looking cover. It's good that the JLA roster includes Superman, Zatanna, and Firestorm; those three can keep Phoenix busy while Aquaman and Hawkman put there heads together for a more lasting solution.

  5. If this Firestorm is the one whose Martin Stein component was replaced by Reed Richards, in STF #1551, then he could probably brainstorm a solution all by himself!*

    *Like, maybe, Aquaman summoning one of those Acanthi space whales so Firestorm could transmute it into lead (or promethium, or whatever) once it had swallowed up the Phoenix?

  6. You silver aged fans are bonkers. I adored the George Perez Zatanna. I started reading JLA in 1981, so this was the first look she had when I first saw her, and to me, it was a "proper" superhero look. Top hats and fishnet tights belong on stage in Atlantic City or Las Vegas.

  7. Junior, "bonkers" is a great description. I'd been studiously ignoring the comments on two separate posts in one week about Zatanna's hairdo. It is such a minor costume point. I didn't mind her having a top hat like her dad, but the stockings were ridiculous. Fish nets should only be used to catch fish.

  8. The both of you are bonkers. If I were Superman, from INJUSTICE:GODS AMONGS US? One look at Zatanna's fishnet stockinge-clad legs would make me surrender...without any struggle! :P

