Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Green Lantern and Sasquatch

For a while it seemed like every new superhero team created had to have a "big guy in the back", and lots of oversized strong guys kept showing up.  Sasquatch was a big guy in the back before it became a cliche and I think that he still has one of the best designs of them all.  Heck, I would have bought a Sasquatch solo series.


  1. Sasquatch would have left a big foot print in a solo comic series...

  2. Might be cool to see Sasquatch teamed up with Big Foot from the Six Million Dollar Man (assuming a comic/cartoon image exists). Maybe thrown in with the Yeti from Doctor Who? Mystery, Inc. have also tangled with both Big Foot and yeti, as I recall.

  3. Re: Dr. OTR: There also was a Bigfoot character on TV's Sanctuary, played by Christopher Heyerdahl.

    Re: This cover: It's nice to see a story with "This hero must live" rather than "This hero must die." It kind of makes me want to see Buffy the Vampire Slayer among the cast of Heroes ("Oh... that's the cheerleader we're supposed to save!").

    Re: commentary: Nothing against the Sasquatch of Earth-616, but I loved the one featured for a while in the Exiles. ("Are you more surprised that I'm a woman, or that I'm black?")

  4. That SASQUATCH VS The HULK from the HULK King Size Annual was an epic battle for the ages!

  5. For the first two seconds, I was seriously expecting Langowski to declare:

    "You're ring is powerless against my yellow fur!"

    Then I saw that he and Rayner were serving together as allies. Makes me wonder why a member of Alpha Flight would come down from Canada to visit Coast City, California? Was the Widow Hudson mind-controlled into attacking Ferris Aircraft as Guardian? If so, by whom; Mandrill? Nah! Couldn't be. He requires constant close proximity, to a woman, for his narco-hypnotic pheromones to keep her under control. The Corruptor; the Controller; or Mesmero? The first two have to be able to physically touch their targets. And the third requires direct line of sight! Which leaves only one suspect who has proven he can safely mind-control from a distance. Someone who also has a long-standing grudge against our favorite test pilot's alter-ego.

    Jordan Weir...alias the Puppeteer!

  6. P.S.---to make up for the long-winded Holmesian deduction, might I recommend a light-hearted team-up for next Wednesday's cover? Like, say, Slapstick vs. Harley Quinn?

  7. Speaking of green characters, got anything Irish-themed in the works for St. Patrick's Day?

  8. Yeah--Banshee and/or Siryn, Jack O'Lantern, maybe O'Brien (Monkeyman's partner)--for that matter, Kyle Rayner is Irish-American on his mother's side, and I imagine you know more characters who would qualify than I do...

    And you could call them "The Fighting Irish"!

    *"Notre Dame Victory March" plays as I duck and run* ;)

  9. Nice. I agree completely. I would love to see Sasquatch on his own, maybe even starting his own team? Doc Samson? Captain Marvel/Photon? Gargoyle? Warlock? Man Thing?

  10. Kid Charlemagne said...
    "Yeah--Banshee and/or Siryn,"

    Have either of those two met Black Canary yet?
