Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wolverine Vs. Snake Eyes in "Silent Slice!"

The original Wolverine 4-issue mini-series really wowed me back in the day.  I loved seeing Wolverine finally get a spotlight (boy does that seem like a crazy thing to say now, but back then it was very true), and I was genuinely surprised that he was getting married.  It was the first time I really started to appreciate Frank Miller as an artist as well.  The covers were all great and there was an image of Mariko in the first issue that looked to me like a photograph, it was done so well.  Logan has made literally hundreds of appearances since, but none have stayed with me the way that mini-series has.

These two first crossed blades back in STF #595...


  1. I remember that series, too. The introduction of Yuri, Lord Shingen, and, of course, the brave but ill-fated Asano. The final panel of Issue #4, however, really made me laugh when I saw Wolverine's postscript on the wedding invitation to the X-men.

    "Hey, Elf! Don't forget the beer." Classic!!!

    As to this morning's new "cover?" Fantastically rendered, as usual! I'm ashamed to admit, however, I never saw the original till just now (via the back-link you so generously provided). Yet, even I must say I'm surprised the original provided so little feedback from your regular viewers, back then!

    Shame on the rest of you.

  2. To be fair, I also get comments on the Facebook Fan Page.

  3. The first Wolverine miniseries was incredibly influential to be sure. I remember being very excited by the fact that it combined the talents of Chris Claremont and Frank Miller who were two of my favorite creators at the time.

    I also think that an argument can be made that if it wasn't for that miniseries, the world never would have been introduced to four turtles named Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael....

  4. @Sonofjack: from your mouth to Eastman and Laird's Foot. ;-)
