Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Phantom Stranger and Doctor Who

The Phantom Stranger is a character that I hope to finally see featured in live action soon.  He would fit in with the cinematic Justice League as well as any of the CW DC series.  His look would be easy to pull off faithfully (just remember to light him correctly to keep those eyes in shadow) and I am sure it would be a fun role for an actor to play, with his mysterious, all-knowing personality.


  1. I'm surprised that he hasn't shown up yet in live-action on Smallville or The Flash...

  2. i think he would work better among the television DC Universe than the cinematic DC universe. I could easily see him popping up every now and then on Legends of Tomorrow. I think they would need to be careful to use him sparingly however....

  3. Powerful but limited screen time... such is the curse of the Phantom Stranger.

  4. Craig: "Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit strange?"
    Doctor: "They never actually stop, really."
    -- from the Doctor Who episode "The Lodger"

    That exchange is what this cover made me think of, and for that reason I think the 11th Doctor is a perfect fit with the Phantom Stranger. I don't think any other, except perhaps the 7th, could have quite the strength of chemistry with ol' Shadow-Eyes.

    And I agree with Sonofjack: use the Phantom Stranger in an occasional appearance in the TV series. He might similarly make a brief appearance in a JLA sequel, but with limited screen time. (And he's one of only a couple of DCU characters that I think I could portray on the screen myself!)

  5. I know such an actor who could portray the guy--Ted Danson.

  6. @ Bob G---I think the 4th Doctor would get along pretty well with him. Especially if they were going up against a group like the Dark Circle! What started out in the Silver Age as two different groups with the same name, separated by a thousand years, could be integrated into centuries-old secret society headed by Vandal Savage! After all; there's textual evidence in the now-classic LSH/STAR TREK:TOS crossover that Savage and Dr. Who met, at least, once before.

    Hence, the Phantom Stranger being a good choice to partner any of the Doctors with (4th, 7th, 11th, or otherwise). Any of the four classic origins ascribed to him, by DC, is valid. With me? I can just as easily see him as the full-grown son of Batman and Zatanna from an alternate future!

  7. I would prefer to see Phantom Stranger (as well as The Spectre, Deadman, The Demon, Dr. Fate and Madame Xanadu) strictly in the Horror genre. Who says a Superhero film can't also be a horror movie, and a Rated R one at that?? It would be great to see The Phantom Stranger coming to the rescue of a family haunted by demons or ghost like in The Conjuring films. Special effects and CGI have finally caught up presenting a proper Phantom Stranger or Spectre tale!

  8. Cary Comic said...
    "Especially if they were going up against a group like the Dark Circle! What started out in the Silver Age as two different groups with the same name, separated by a thousand years, could be integrated into centuries-old secret society headed by Vandal Savage! After all; there's textual evidence in the now-classic LSH/STAR TREK:TOS crossover that Savage and Dr. Who met, at least, once before."

    "I can just as easily see him as the full-grown son of Batman and Zatanna from an alternate future!"

    Two verry interesting ideas, both of which I'd like to read the stories about...

  9. @Cary: Doctor Who vs. Vandal Savage strikes me as something that Ross could and should do. It might even serve well as a multi-Doctor story.

  10. Bob Greenwade said...
    "@Cary: Doctor Who vs. Vandal Savage strikes me as something that Ross could and should do. It might even serve well as a multi-Doctor story."

    How about a 'Two Doctors' story featuring Doctor Who and Doc Savage against Vandal Savage, maybeso as a follow-up to the earlier DS/VS clash?

  11. @Simreeve: That would certainly be a tag-team match for the ages.
