Monday, June 13, 2016

The Demon and Captain Britain

I was introduced to Captain Britain in a Marvel Team-Up two parter and was instantly a fan.  I really liked his costume - flag based outfits are always cool and his was one of the best.  I can understand why it was updated later to allow for more facial expression, but I wish that only the cowl had been altered, leaving the rest the same as in the above cover.  Gotta love that lion emblem!


  1. I agree with you, Ross. His current outfit looks like too much of a plagiarism of Union Jack's!* As for this cover? I'll say the impostor is the Space Phantom...posing as a Xartan.

    *The Invader created by Franks Robbins and Springer.

  2. Since King Arthur is one of those mythic characters that shows up in several comic book universes, I've always thought it would be cool to have several Arthurian comic characters such as Etrigan, the Shining Knight, the original (Marvel) Black Knight and even Prince Valiant show up together in a story together. What other heroes with ties to Arthur am I missing?

  3. Kirby based the Demon's face on a mask that a character wore in a Prince Valiant storyline... which would make an interesting crossover itself.

  4. Kirby based the Demon's face on a mask that a character wore in a Prince Valiant storyline... which would make an interesting crossover itself.

  5. Sonofjack - The other Bob already mentioned Valiant, though I'm not sure he actually qualifies.

    There's also Merlin, though there are countless tales of him. For example, in the Doctor Who story "Silver Nemesis," the Seventh Doctor explains that he was Merlin some time in his personal future.

    There's also an upcoming comic series based on "The Librarian" franchise, and Flynn Carsen does (or did) like to hang out with Excalibur, which in this case was capable of wielding itself.

  6. PS (still to Sonofjack): I saw right after I posted the above that you already mentioned Valiant yourself, so clearly he does qualify.

    I've also tried to think of a hero from the Champions Universe (from the RPG) who might qualify, but I can only think of a villain: Black Paladin.

  7. Actually, Bob Greenwade, I just thought of another comic character with ties to King Arthur--Kevin Matchstick of Mage. He is a reincarnation/representation of Arthur Pendragon. Perhaps these character together could take on Morgan le Fay of the Marvel Universe and Morgaine le Fey of the DC universe....

  8. There's also the Golden Age mage, descended from Merlin, called Tor. He was killed off by DC during the _real_ Bronze Age (first ten years after COIE). But, with the Rebirth hitting all their books this summer, there's no reason DC couldn't revive him as well as the JSA.

  9. Sonofjack Well, the characters from Camelot 3000 pretty much all are tied to the Legend of Arthur...

  10. And I'm pretty sure Excalibur is sitting in the Phantom's skull cave right now.

  11. Don't you mean, Warehouse 13? ;-D

  12. Anon & Cary: No, no, no! Excalibur was in the Library, where it was Flynn Carsen's sparring partner and best friend until it sacrificed itself to save the world last year.

  13. @ B.G.---I know. Mr. Rogers was just messing with your head.
