Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Hulk Vs. Ragman

The Hulk is the latest Marvel character to change identities - Like Thor and Captain America, there will now be a new character assuming the role of the gamma blaster hero - Amadeus Cho.  I actually liked Cho in his adventures with Hercules and felt he was an interesting enough character in his own right, and didn't need to hijack a higher profile hero's gig.  Ah well, I can't believe this will be a permanent change, and I predict that Bruce Banner will reclaim his title by the time his next film appearance rolls around.


  1. This would've made a nice part 2 to yesterday's cover!

    Rags vs. furs.

  2. "The Hulk is the latest Marvel character to change identities - Like Thor and Captain America, there will now be a new character assuming the role of the gamma blaster hero - Amadeus Cho. I actually liked Cho in his adventures with Hercules and felt he was an interesting enough character in his own right, and didn't need to hijack a higher profile hero's gig. Ah well, I can't believe this will be a permanent change, and I predict that Bruce Banner will reclaim his title by the time his next film appearance rolls around. "

    I agree completely with all of this. INCREDIBLE HERCULES was probably Marvel's best comic while it was published. Cho doesn't need to be the Hulk- he's more interesting as Amadeus Cho. (I'd be unhappy about the Banner's-no-longer-the-Hulk part, too, but a: it's almost certainly only temporary, and b: the Banner/Hulk who was one of my all-time favorite comic book characters hasn't really existed for a long, long time.)

  3. I agree with you, Ross, about anybody but Bruce Banner being the Hulk. One of the recent lackluster crossovers between FLASH Season 1 and ARROW Season 3 (that CW seems to be over-relying upon) involved turning the comic-book Atom's Silver Age enemy, the Bug-eyed Bandit, into a scorned woman more reminiscent of Zazzala (the Silver Age Queen Bee)!

    In the words of young Cisco Ramone: "Definitely not cool."
