Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chewbacca and the Fur Force

It's going to be great to finally see Chewbacca in action again on the big screen.  I didn't realize until I saw the teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens that Wookies had such longevity - he seems so be holding up pretty well!.  I'm glad that it will still be Peter Mayhew underneath the makeup all these years later.  Hopefully Chewbacca will be a part of the young Han Solo movie that is being developed as well.


  1. Thanx for bringing Ch'p back. I still think his death in Mosaic #2 was useless and shabby.

    But then, that was during the Dark Age.

    I quit comics for economic reasons back in 2007, but I've read that after that, some writer put the words in Squirrel Girl's mouth:

    "Remember when comic book worlds were places you wanted to escape TO, not FROM?"

    Your hypothetical comics generally look more like the first kind of comics than the second. That's one of the things I like about this blog.

    Aw shozbot--you forgot to include Squirrel Girl! ^_^

  2. Squirrel Girl is not covered in fur, she wouldn't meet the criteria!

  3. According to the promotional material at the time of the original film's premiere in 1977, Chewbacca was 200 years old at the time he and Han Solo met Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi. So, yeah, I'd say they're pretty long lived.

  4. I'd like to have seen the other Tasmanian Devil here, too.

  5. Kid C: I really like that quote. I'll have to remember it.

  6. To be undone by a flea circus.

  7. @Bob: Yeah, I like that quote, too.

    I expect the Dark Age can be blamed on the profit motive: Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns--both of which I liked--sold so well, and drew so much critical praise, that the pinheads upstairs said: "OK, we've got a gold mine formula here! Everybody tell grim 'n' gritty stories like Moore and Miller!", rather than "OK, everybody tell good stories like Moore and Miller". The bean counters want a formula, into which they can plug any literate person as writer, so they don't have to pay the talent much. Unskilled or semi-skilled labor is cheaper than skilled labor.

    I also liked the post-Crisis Suicide Squad, but Haruhi damn it, I didn't want the whole comics universe to be like that comic!

  8. I loved the homonymic gag with Greer Grant and her Thundercat namesake!

    And as Hank McCoy, himself, might quip: "May the Furs be with us."

  9. As somebody else has mentioned Squirrel Girl, I'll remark that it seems she should get on well temperament-wise with Stephanie 'Batgirl' Brown...

  10. Oh, and don't forget that the mother of DC's Orion was also named 'Tigra': Could be scope for a slightly confused crossover there...


  11. While I've learned to loathe the character (and I wasn't all that fond of him to start with)... no Rocket Racoon? Or Furball (Timber Wolf during a period of the Legion of Super-Heroes)? Or Wolfsbane from New Mutants et. al.?

    Still an extraordinarily neat idea, and beautiful composition - well done!

    I remain,
    Eric L. Sofer

  12. This is the second team Tigra has been on with a Thundercat... I'm thinking you want to do a crossover between Tigra and The Thundercats, maybe have her end up dating one of them.

  13. @Bob: "Squirrel Girl is not covered in fur..."

    OK, then, how about the Gibbon?

  14. Just so you know, that's an image of Ch'p's successor, B'dg.
