Monday, June 1, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy and Adam Strange

The first Guardians of the Galaxy film had Peter Quill's relationship with his mother central to the story line and the second one promises to deal with his as yet unnamed father. James Gunn has said that his parentage will differ from the comic book version, so it will be interesting to see what direction they will go in. I hope they continue with he strong character work because the grounded motivations of the protagonists in the middle of all of the high concept sci-fi craziness was really what made the first film work so well for me.


  1. I liked it better when Drax was a J'onn J'onzz analog out to whup Thanos' butt. And, the GOTG were out to save 31st century Earth from the Badoon.

  2. Yeah, I'm hoping Marvel Studios learned their lesson from meddling with John Favreau and let Gunn do what he does.

  3. Actually, AirDave, it looks like you're Bug of the Micronauts, since Groot isn't in this configuration of the GOTG.

  4. Love your use of the unpublished cover of what would have been BRAVE AND BOLD #36 (Adam Strange and Lois Lane). Wish they'd publish that story somewhere.

  5. @pblfsda: Maybe that's supposed to be ex-love-slave Mantis in Kamen Rider armor.
