Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The X-Men Vs. Starro

This was not an easy cover to make.  I know it may just look like heroes lined up but it took a lot of tweaking to get right.  I've been wanting to use Starro again for a while, he is such a great villain.  He has that crazy Silver Age sensibility, but is still creepy enough to entertain modern audiences.  I'd love to see him battle the JLA on the big screen - it would be like Avengers crossed with Aliens!


  1. He was the first villain for both the Justice League and Captain Carrot and the Amazing Zoo Crew, and has even fought the Avengers!

    1. One word. Rouge, starro dies the moment it touches her.

  2. I notice Wolverine is absent from the crowd. His healing factor must've allowed him reject his Starro-clone.

    "Help us, Logan-obi, You're our only hope."

  3. Anybody else been dying for years to see Captain America hurl his shield with exceptional force into Starro's eye?

  4. This one's incredible. And Cyclops is living up to his name!

  5. Though, now that I think about it, a Starro-controlled Cyclops wouldn't be able to use his powers without inadvertently freeing himself.

  6. I never noticed this before, but the Starro eye kind of looks like a Captain America shield.

  7. alf and alpha flight or guardians of galaxy or green lantern corps

  8. I still think Wolverine's healing factor would enable rejection of that starfish.

  9. I just saw this cover and my first thought was "I bet that was a hard cover to make." Then I read your post. Heh.

    Great work.

  10. @Anonymous: You mean, "Rogue." ROUGE is the female French cyborg (of the Brain's Brotherhood of Evil) with the obsessive hots for the Doom Patrol's Chief.*

    *Sheesh! How can so many so-called "dedicated" fans keep misspelling her name like that?

  11. All too easily---Jack "the Grammar" Hammer.

  12. Didn't starro resist martian man hunter telepathy? I doubt Rouge or any of the X men with the exception of Jean Gray having a chance of survival

  13. @Unknown: you're only proving my point all the more, dude!
