Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Superman and The Invaders

I have been enjoying reading Superman's very first adventures in the collected Superman Chronicles series of TPB's lately.  There's an energy to those early adventures, from a time before superheroes were even a genre, that just cannot be replicated today.  I can only imagine what it was like for a young kid to have been reading those ground-breaking tales right off the newsstands.


  1. Where is that Invaders cover from? It looks interesting and I'd like to read the story it's from. Thanks for doing these every day.

  2. It's a pin up by Gabriel Hardman. Thanks, Hoy!

    1. Wow. I see it, now. I'd incorrectly guessed Michael Lark drew the Invaders image.

  3. Yep! The superhero tales of today might be putting more "science" into their science fiction. But, part of the charm of the Golden and early Silver Age tales was their clear-cut, child-like innocence.

    Something that was irretrievably lost (and not entirely for the better) in the post-WATCHMEN years.

    On a lighter note; how about a sequel cover featuring both Miss Americas?

  4. "Energy" is the perfect word for it.

  5. That is seriously amazing. I am angry that it isn't a cover to a real comic I can read.

  6. Excellent layout Ross! The spirit of this is terrific!

  7. One of my faves of yours. I had the card w/ Rude's figure on it, w/ part of the Statue of Liberty in the background. It fit together w/ other cards of Superman by different artists (Ordway was another) w/ different parts of the SoL behinf them. I guess "Golden", "Silver" & "Bronze" ages.

    I can see this story. Superman gets moved to this reality by the Spear of Destiny in his own dimension. He checks out the Daily Bugle as Clak Kent, where he crosses paths with a very young J.Jonah Jameson. Does research on any "mystery-men" who might help him. Learns of the Invaders. Without a Spear of Destiny here, he can enter Axis-held territory. And he finds the Invaders.

    At first suspicious, Cap & the Torch start to trust Superman after a couple of skirmishes with Axis agents, including trashing Master Man & Warrior Woman. Cap realizes that Superman doubles the team's powers. Heat vision has similar impacts as the Torch's. Speed close to the Whizzer's. And strength, durability, & definitely flight, that exceeds even Namor's, without the risk being weakened by extended exposure to extreme heat. Of course, Namor would be jealous, but slowly come to a begrudging respect for the Man of Steel. Cap would also appreciate Superman's other vision & hearing powers for reconnaissance.

    Superman's gotta return home, but the Invaders would miss him.
