Monday, April 27, 2015

Nightwing Vs. The Hulk

As Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues has continued over the years, I have developed a few ongoing plot threads.  One recurring theme, however, just happened on its own, or maybe in my subconscious at least. For some reason, the Hulk really does not like Robin!  In this latest outing, he's after Dick Grayson in his Nightwing guise, but he has been on his trail for a while...

from his early days with Batman... his time with the Teen Titans...

and New Teen Titans!.

The Hulk is no fan of Grayson's successors either - just ask Tim Drake...

or Damian Wayne!


  1. :D
    My favorite issues were not The Hulk versus The Thing or Wolverine, but versus Spider-Man or Daredevil. This is cool!

  2. Could it be some unresolved Rick Jones issues?
    Has Mr. Jones ever shown up in Super-Team Family? Maybe a side-kicks unite is in order.

  3. He teamed with Batman way back in the B&B days.

  4. Maybe, because "Dick" is the most common nickname for "Richard," the Hulk subconsciously associates Grayson with Rick Jones. The one who bears most (if not all) of the responsibility for Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk in the first place!

    But, whatever the reason, I think it will take something like Lilith's ESP to save Grayson's butt (similar to the calming effect she initially had over Gnarrk).

  5. P.S.---With regard to the New Titans link? Yes, they were definitely better than the Loren Jupiter-era team. The latter encountered so many supernatural menaces before the cancellation of the original mag, they might as well have been under the Phantom Stranger's supervision!

    But, the beginning of the end for the former was when DC tried to turn them into a small army (a la the X-Men).

  6. On a very similar topic to the name-similarity discussion above, I just remembered today that Hulk and Batman share a common first name: Bruce. I'd been about to suggest a pairing on that basis, but a search showed me that it was done way back in 2011 (Nov. 1), back under the original B&B title -- though that was the grey Hulk. And, in later issues (most recently STF #900), it's been clear that the two of them still haven't settled their differences.
