Sunday, April 26, 2015

Squirrel Girl and Rocky & Bullwinkle

This match up comes as a suggestion from Tim Stellmach, a Patron in good standing of this site (I take note of all ideas but Patrons of course get special consideration), and the idea just made me smile.  I was a huge fan of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show growing up, so on a whim I bought a DVD set of the first season.  I enjoyed it just as much, even moreso as an adult.  I never realized that there was so much humor in those episodes that went right over my head when I viewed them as a child.


  1. Let me guess: Boris is posing as that famous European-born movie director...Otto Braunschweiger.

  2. P.S.---that photo-comparison thing is still the most stupid security precaution, yet.

  3. I see no photo comparison on my end and I haven't changed anything in the security, maybe it's a Google thing on your end? Do others see what he is talking about?

  4. I haven't seen any photo comparison thing. Maybe it only happens if you select "anonymous"?

  5. I have seen the photo comparison several times. I like it, it's kind of a fun game.

  6. Today is my birthday and I am a huge Squirrel Girl fan so this absolutely made my day :D

  7. The only way to make this better would've been to make it a triple teamup by adding Secret Squirrel!

  8. ...or Moose, from "Archie"!

    I've always loved Rocky and Bullwinkle. It probably has as many quotable moments as "Spinal Tap", from "The government doesn't admi-- uh, I mean, MAKE mistakes." to Bullwinkle noting that lion-tamer Boris had removed all of the lion's teeth before a performance and quipping, "It looks like he's taking the lion of least resistance."
