Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Galactus Vs. Trigon

I mentioned after my recent New Teen Titans vs. Terrax / Raven Vs. Galactus two-parter that Trigon might have something t say about his daughter becoming a new herald of the World Devourer.  I got a few requests to follow through on that idea and indeed it kept rattling around in my head as well.  So, now the two-parter is a three-part epic!


  1. Epic!
    I'm sure somewhere during the confrontation Trigon would say to Galactus - "Eat this!" And curse Galactus with the worst dining experience of his life - ever!

  2. Excellent!

    I revise my previous comment and now suggest that--as a real comic crossover--this would probably make the Galactus/Agamotto fight look like a mildly heated discussion.

  3. The after-effects from this could echo throughout reality... and I think an occasional comment to that effect on future covers might be in order. ;)

    (And I'm still hoping, some day, for the Inferior Five to face off against Galactus... though it'd probably be more like four, since White Feather would spend most of the time fainting!)

  4. @Bob G.: I like that! Imagine Galactus selecting the Blimp as his new herald.

  5. How about a Martian Manhunter - Hulk team-up. Maybe against the silver age green skined Brainiac and the Leader? I would also like to see a Spider-man / Creeper re-match.

  6. This is a fail for DC and Marvel who don't come together more often. Just...wow. By the way; I'm of the opinion that Galactus would fall since it's been shown that he is susceptible to powerful enough magic.

  7. Other Bob, all I was thinking was, "The fate of the world is in their hands... may God have mercy on us!" But your idea made me LOL. :D

  8. Spidey/Creeper have met twice and may again... Hulk will definitely meet Martian Manhunter... Galactus will battle someone even less capable than The Inferior Five... and The Inferior Five will cross paths with some major powerhouses... and in upcoming issues of STF!

  9. Being a Teen Titans fan I have loved this Titans trilogy. Any chance of using the Terror Titans or Fatal Five in the future?

  10. I have been wanting to do Fantastic Four vs. Fatal Five, but just haven't found images that work to my satisfaction yet.

  11. emerald empress vs invisible woman mr fantastic and thing vs pursuader and validus human torch vs manos if i guessed right

  12. Maybe the Fantastic Five vs. the Fatal Five?

  13. How about Superman vs. Miracleman?
