Monday, March 9, 2015

Batwoman and Spider-Woman

Spider-Woman is the latest heroine to have a makeover and while her classic outfit is a favorite of mine, I can understand the change.  It's amazing that she went so long with her original look, really.  The new costume seems to be designed to be more movie friendly, and looks influenced by Batgirl's recent redesign as well.  I think they did a decent job with the new look, we'll see if it sticks.


  1. Is that whole Spider-franchise thing still on? I thought I read where the Sinister Six was dead now that Spider-Man is going to be recast and part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

    On a side note, that Batwoman logo is pretty cool...

  2. Yeah, I think all that other stuff is out the window for now. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Sinister six in some form though. After all, the next Spider film will be the sixth one...

  3. how about a buffy/smallville crossover.

  4. Buffy is scheduled to reappear soon... not necessarily with Smallville though.

  5. Why does Rule34 just pop into my mind? ; )

    Great cover as always

  6. The original Black Orchid would make an even better visual match for Jessica Drew, especially in that first Marvel Spotlight appearance before she cut the top off her mask and let her hair out. (That is where you got the Hydra plot, no?)

  7. Actually, her original look had her wearing a full, hair-covering cowl. It's only after she got a regular monthly magazine (in the late Seventies/early Eighties) that she restyled her costume so as to let her raven-black tresses "all hang out."

  8. How about Frankenstein Jr and teenaged Tony Stark? Suicide Squad versus the Great Lakes Avengers? Maxwell Smart joins SHIELD? Power Pack versus Lobo?

  9. Some interesting ones there, Mike!A couple of those lesser seen characters will be appearing in the coming months...

  10. Two of my favorite superheroine costumes - hate the new Spider-Woman and Batgirl design. The Batgirl New 52 costume was one of the few I liked from that needless reboot. I'm still amazed that concepts that lasted generations and seemed timeless, now need revisions every few years to stay "relevant"

  11. Spider-Woman and Batwoman are my favorite superheroines.
