Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wildcat and The Defenders

For a guy who was created as a non-powered boxer who moonlighted as a masked hero, Wildcat has managed to increase his power over the years.  First, he had the prolonged life due to magical exposure and suspended animation along with the rest of the JSA.  It was later revealed that he had some sort of "9 lives" thing going on as well, explaining how he made it through so many scraps.  Then there's his power in the hierarchy of the DCU.  Once a third-stringer, Ted Grant became more than just a crime fighter, but a trainer to other heroes like Batman, Catwoman, Black Canary and more. I like that aspect of the character and I am glad that it has been picked up on in his animated appearances in Justice League Unlimited and Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

By the way, a story this epic cannot be contained to a single issue.  Stay tuned for the second part tomorrow!


  1. I really miss the late '70s to early 1980s Defenders. I actually preferred this team book over The Avengers. Although only a third grader, I felt the writing was better, stories more appealing, offbeat and mysterious.
    But I have not held much interest for the current books.

  2. I really liked the recent Defenders mini-series by Giffen and Maguire. It was fun and light-hearted, like their take on the Justice League. I wish that I had taken a greater interest in The Defenders.

  3. how about a crossover starring the transfomers, G.I.JOE and my little pony:friendship is magic, Hasbro big three. what do you think?

  4. Maybe Transformers and GI Joe, but MLP? I don't think so, not really my thing.

  5. Along those same lines, how about Captain Action and Rom: Spaceknight?

  6. ROM will be meeting another toy-based character in an upcoming cover...

  7. I can only hope I'm half as cool as Ted Grant is when I'm old.

  8. Man, you are so clever with these. As silly as some of these covers are, they all look like they could've been real covers/concepts. Great job!! :)

  9. @Bob Buethe: it looks like IDW's "Hasbro: Revolution" beat you and Ross to the punch.
