Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Justice League of America And Throg

This is a character that should just be ridiculous, but for some reason I think he is really cool.  A frog with the power of Thor? It sounds crazy, but Marvel made it work.  He's a nice reminder that you can't judge a hero by their size. I say thee ribbit!


  1. Interesting! I'd never heard of Throg before now. Any chance of teaming him up with Captain Carrot, or maybe Darkwing Duck?

    (Hm... even without Throg, those two would make an interesting team-up, as a sort of super-animal "World's Finest" pastiche.)

  2. Throg will return... and return again!

  3. how about a team-up between the transformers and G.I. JOE where they have to be saved by my little pony: friendship is magic. what do you think.

  4. I think it's weird that we haven't seen any Pet Avengers since Disney bought Marvel. I think the last thing I saw was that Fin Fang Foom story. It seems that they're more comfortable making up all-new kiddie continuity (like the 90's X-Men cartoons) than using something kid-friendly that's already consistent with established continuity.

  5. Walt Simonson was a genius. I loved the Thunder Frog!

    This is one of my favorites you've ever done.
