Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wildcat and Thor

This cover is continued from yesterday's entry, and while it may seem like a far fetched tale with mis-matched characters, it's the kind of Bob Haney-style concept that I would have loved back in the day.  Sure things could get a little wacky and would not jibe with established continuity, but that devil-may-care attitude lent the stories a sense of unpredictability and fun. Wildcat was the star of quite a few Haney-penned Brave and the Bold issues, so he is a fitting choice to anchor this two-parter.


  1. Wow! That is amazing!
    See, this is the kind of, can I say "whimsy" that comics need. We've all become bogged down by seriousness. While seriousness is pretty cool sometimes, sometimes there needs to be some wackiness!

    Wack away I say!

  2. Let's keep it clean, Dave - this is an all-ages site!

  3. Shouldn't Thor say "Nay!" instead of "No!"?

  4. how about hawkman from smallville and Daniel jacckson from stargate: SG-1. two Michael shanks what is going on.

  5. Here's something really out of the ordinary--Guardians of the Galaxy team-up with...the Galaxy Rangers! They even had their own Marvel comic:

  6. Yet another awesome cover, great job Ross!!!
