Monday, July 22, 2013

Nemesis and Nick Fury

I remember when I first saw the Nemesis 8-page backup stories that ran after the main feature in Brave and the Bold.  I was much more interested in the batman team ups and only glossed over them.  A few years later, I decided to give these stories a fair shake and read them all back to back.  I was very glad I did, because writer Cary Burkett and Artist Dan Spiegle wove a great tale featuring deceptions, disguises and daring escapes.  They really knew how to take advantage to the format and really kept the pace of the saga pumping along.  I don't think that these stories have ever been collected, and that's a shame because they deserve to find a wider audience.  Nemesis floated around the DCU for years, with notable appearances in Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman before the New 52 hit.  Time will tell if he appears again - I certainly hope so.


  1. I had the exact same experience as you, Ross, re: Nemesis- neglecting the back ups at first, then later on, becoming more and more intrigued by them. Dan Spiegel is an underrated artist, with a truly unique style. I would be interested in any project involving him. As for Nemesis, he would fit in nicely today, with our harder edged Jason Bourne and Daniel Craig/James Bond. I would only accept a Nemesis reboot geared toward Mature Audiences.

  2. I loved those old Nemesis backups. I wonder if they would stand up to a modern-day collection?

  3. For me, Spiegle will always be synonymous with Mark Evanier's Crossfire. I'm sure he's done his share of war, western and romance comics, given his style, but that was the only title I remember him staying on for years.

  4. The newsstands of the 1980s had some real gems, if you were observant and lucky to get your hands some titles. Nowadays, you can go to a specialty shop (they are everywhere!) but I feel there are fewer gems on the racks.

  5. You misspelled Dan Spiegle's name, I'm afraid.

    I wrote an article about the Nemesis series in BACK ISSUE #64. I'm hoping it might persuade someone at DC to finally collect the series in trade.

  6. Nemesis would be a good pairing with American Flagg!

  7. SLJ Fury could have used Nemesis during the Disney Plus version of the Secret Skrull Invasion.
