Sunday, July 21, 2013

Firestorm and The Vision

A coldly logical synthezoid with a desire to be more human and a headstrong rookie hero eager to be taken more seriously... this is a combination that would make for some interesting conflict.  Then again, I remember Ronnie Raymond having a good relationship with The Red Tornado, so maybe he and The Vision could find some common ground.  Whichever direction the writer chose to go, it would be fun to read about!


  1. Hooray! My favorite character drawn by my favorite artist. Not many people know that Firestorm was the first DC character George Perez worked on when he defected from Marvel early in the 80's. His Firestorm can be found as backups in Flash comics.

  2. Firestorm was originally a back up? I'm heading down to Midtown Comics (NYC) to look up those issues now. Comics from the '80s are like muscle cars from the '80s- they are only valuable to those from that era that treasure them! Everyone else scratches their heads and thinks..."Ewwww!"

  3. His first appearances were 6 issues of his own comic in the 70s, at which time he got caught in the DC Implosion. Then he became a backup in the Flash.

  4. Ross, I would like to see much more heroes from independent publishers. Lets support small independent press! Thank you.

  5. Marvel and DC will always dominate as this blog is a reflection of the comics I read growing up, but I do try to feature characters from other companies when I can and there will be many featured in the future. Did you have anyone specific in mind?

  6. What a great idea...I am a bit surprised to see that The Vision is by Alan Davis? Looks that way, anyway. Both characters have shared the same artists....Perez, of course, but also Al Milgrom who co-created Firestorm and then worked on West Coast Avengers. Nice work, but it would have been even nicer if you could have found a Perez team-up. :-)

  7. It's all about the right poses. Definitely some all Perez covers coming up though!

  8. Fantastic pairing! Love it! This is definitely going up on FIRESTORM FAN soon!

    My thanks to Russell for directing me to this post!

