Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Deadshot Vs. Bullseye

This would be an interesting match up. Maybe a quick one as well - these are two guys who never miss, so it might just be a matter of who gets a shot off first!  I liked the utilization of some of Bullseye's abilities in the Daredevil movie but neither his appearance or Colin Farrell's performance seemed much like the character from the comics.  Deadshot showed up on Smallville, but he was barely recognizable too.  I'm surprised he hasn't shown up in a Batman movie yet - he's the kind of low-tech villain that would work well in the films.


  1. The (New 52) Suicide Squad that Deadshot leads is far and away the highest quality mag out right now that DC has. the rebooted Deadshot and Harley Quin have definitely come into their own. what would be Marvel's version of the Suicide Squad?

  2. Dave sez,

    Maybe your cover is a little spoiler-y there! Ha!

    I don't think Colin Farrell was supposed to be comic relief or mort-errific in Dardevil, but that's what he turned out to be. He just seemed silly and campy, almost like a '60's Bat-villain.

    Deadshot came off pretty good in the Justice League animated series.

    It would be kinda cool to see them hunting the same target, getting in each other's way - and wackiness ensues.

  3. Holy continue to amaze amigo. Wish I could buy these as posters. Just awesome.Oh,please -more villain match-ups....would love Brainiac vs Ultron or Flash Rogues vs Sinister Six.

  4. I have no idea why this just popped into my head - - Challengers of the Unknown vs. the U-Foes!

  5. @Cathy and Dave
    I thought that was a good portrayal too. Michael Rosenbaum was doing his impression of Kevin Spacey while doing Deadshot on Justice League Unlimited.

    Of course, Deadshot and Bullseye got merged in Amalgam Comics as "Deadeye".

  6. I would LOVE to see the The Joker vs. the Green Goblin! Make it so!!

  7. The Joker will be showing up soon and I do have a cover featuring Joker and Goblin coming up a bit further down the line, so stay tuned!

  8. How about setting the Juggernaut & The Thing loose on Apocalypse and letting Darkseid deal with Them?

  9. Well, there's already been a Thing/Darkseid cover posted at least....

  10. Occupy Wall StreetMarch 15, 2012 at 1:25 PM I can't wait for the Joker! anticipation........

  11. If any of you started collecting comics as a child, did a parent or relative ever purchase of comic for you that you would have NEVER purchased for yourself (horrors), but your initial disappoint turned to delight as the comic turned out to be a pretty good read, and you were subsequently HOOKED? Well, thats what happened to me with Amethyst, a DC maxi-series in the 1980s about a pre-teen girl who turns into a Warrior Woman in another dimension. Ross, please include her in an upcoming project! -yours truly, A Fan

  12. another good match up. glad to see some Suicide Squad representation here.
