Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sandman and Sandman

The Sandman is such an iconic name in comics.  It has been used by such a wide variety of characters, each one cool in their own way.  While I really like Neal Gaiman's Dream and Jack Kirby's 70's hero, the above two are my favorites to bear the name.  Wesley Dodds was the first and greatest to use it.  I have always loved his gas mask and trench coat look and became an even bigger fan after reading the excellent Sandman Mystery Theater series (which really should be turned into a TV show one of these days, it's perfect for it).  Flint Marko has always been in the top tier of Spider-Man's villains for me and his powers are as versatile as they are visually interesting.  I like that he is somewhat of a sympathetic bad guy as well.  It would be less fun if he went completely good, but it's nice to see some shades of grey in there.


  1. Dave sez,

    I really like the Golden-Age and Silver/Modern-Age team-ups. THis one is awesome.

    It was nice to see JSA characters like Wesley Dodds on Smallville, but they left me wanting to see more.

    Shame that Flint Marko was lost and wasted in such a sloppy Spider-Man 3

    Didn't Sand Hawkins pretty much get powers similar to Markos when the JSA came back a while back?

    Y'know what would be another cool team-up? - Flint Marko and Matt Hagen.

  2. any characters from WATCHMEN coming up?

  3. I also really enjoy these two characters, but c'mon Dream is just in a different league altogether

  4. There are at least a couple of Watchmen related covers coming up.

  5. Just wanted to drop a note telling you how much I'm enjoying these covers you're creating, and to let you know you've inspired me to try my hand at such things again. I used to do this sort of thing quite a bit for my own amusement, but hadn't done any in a while until coming upon your site.

    If you're interested, you can see my most recent attempt here:

  6. Dave sez,

    How does it feel to be a true inspiration?

  7. Hello! I'm quietly thrilled to see my art show up on this site - I've been a fan for a while now. If anyone's interested, I'm selling the original (which features Spidey, not the other Sandman) on eBay at the moment:



  8. I actually liked the days when Flint Marko was a good guy. It meant that the heroes' efforts aren't wasted and that some villains can be rehabilitated. The way they turned him evil again left a bad taste in my mouth (mind control by the Wizard? Bleh).

  9. Thanks, Ross!

    Reno, you're right. Flint's redemption was hard won across a few years of well-told stories, and it's a shame he's been switched back to an extent.

  10. I'm glad to see this cover. It's one of the match-ups I was really thinking would be cool -- this specific combination, in fact.

    As to Watchmen-related covers, I think it would be interesting to see them alongside the Charleton/DC characters on whom they were based. Is that in the plans?

  11. Why do I get the feeling Flint Marko is about to fall into Wesley Dodds' trap?
