Monday, September 9, 2024

Songbird and Vibe


This epic battle of sound-based heroes and villains comes from a suggestion by Christopher Daly, a Patron of this blog.  I'm thinking that the letterer on this issue would have a chance to really be able to go to town with some of the sound effects within.  Thanks, Christopher! 


  1. This would be one loud comic! My ears are hurting already!

  2. And I'm already mentally clamoring for a sequel that pits those villains against the Silent Partners!

    Thank you, Mr. Daly. :-)

  3. Dazzler? Any characters that absorb sound?

  4. Dazzler? Surely it would be Muffler?

  5. Anytime VIBE gets some love is nice

  6. Sonar & Klaw were sound villains to pick for this. And I got good vibes from this cover. Great background.

    1. But, Banshee vs. Silver Banshee would be out of this world!

  7. I'm fairly sure that sound effects words are done by the penciller and inker, rather than the letterer (though I could be wrong).

    I do love Vibe; he made one of my favorite reference jokes, that I wish had been done in the Arrowverse:

    "That's the life of a supervillain. Awesome cosmic power, itty-bitty living space."

  8. How about Black Panther & Teela vs. Klaw & Trapjaw (who both have weapon arms?)

    1. How about Megaman vs. the villainous Dr. Light (who's threatening Megaman's inventor)?

  9. How about 2 youngsters Arisia (G.L. Corps) & the Copper Kid (Silverhawks) vs. Sonar & Silverhawks foe Windhammer (both use tuning forks?). You haven't done much with the Silverhawks characters over the years. They had lots of potential in the media & on here.

  10. inspector Gadget & Cyborg vs Klaw (all have sonic arm blasters).

  11. DC's Jack O' Lantern has only made 3 appearances on here (Marvel's Shamrock, Union Jack & Jack O' Lantern foe). I think a team up with fellow Irish heroes Banshee or Songbird is long overdue. Silver Banshee (mentioned above) & Black Tom Cassidy would make an interesting villain couple for any of them to encounter.

  12. A quick glance at the side banners revels that the original sonic JLAer Black Canary hasn't teamed up with Dazzler yet but the above cover boy Vibe has. I think this oversight needs to be corrected. The old 80s Outsiders / Black Lightning foe The Ghetto Blaster & Salem Seven member Vakume (who can become intangible & suck out the air in a given space) would make an interesting argumentative villain duo for them to fight.
