Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hourman and Wolverine


Usually I try to come up with some dialogue or a caption and a story title at this point, but there was not a lot of real estate left in the final image.  Besides, knowing that Rex and Logan would be kicking ninja butt would be enough for me to want to pick this issue up without any extra enticement.


  1. And don’t take drugs Kids,
    Wolverine is looking a little Angry, one can only presume that the Hand has stolen the “ Tick Tok “ formula… When Will the Hourman learn not to leave it out on his laboratory bench…

  2. How about those other super-pill heads; Underdog and Roger Ramjet?

    1. And Mr. Terrific! (The TV sitcom hero played by Stephen Strimpell, not the JSA member(s).)

  3. On a more serious note: Harrison Ford is taking over the role of Gen. Thunderbolt Ross in the next Marvel Film. With Sam Wilson debuting as the new (and high-flying) Capt. America! I saw the first official trailer at my hometown multiplex, yesterday. A trailer that was far more exciting than the entirety of Beetlejuice 2!

  4. "Hour of Fury!"

    @Cary: Technically, Sam Wilson's actual debut as Captain America was in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" episode 6.

    But I'm all for Hourman + Roger Ramjet.

    1. I don't stream. So, as far as I'm permanently concerned, the real debut will be on the silver screen.

  5. I love it! I can just imagine the banter: Wolverine thinking Hourman's out of his element and this "ain't the the flipping 1940s any more!" In the meantime, Hourman is thinking "What a hero! More like a mad dog I'll have to put down later."

  6. Ninja threat to Logan and Rex? They'd have more of a challenge from one ply toilet paper. But they are just the simple roadblock to be expected. Who or what is next ...and for what goal??

    1. Don't know. But, these ninja are probably amped up on stolen Miraclo. So, that would explain Logan and Rex having to double-team them.

  7. Would be nice for Rex Tyler's son appear in this blog. The opposite color costume would allow it fit in places the yellow caped one doesn't.

  8. Well since ninjas aren't know for their wordy comments, I think it's appropriate that there weren't any sentences or banners for this one. :)
