Sunday, February 4, 2024

Lando Calrissian and The Phantom


The Phantom identity has been passed down through time, so who's to say just how far back it goes?  Maybe all the way to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


  1. Striking - and intriguing. I suspect that this version of the Phantom will turn out to be Lando's long-lost twin brother, Phanto...

  2. oh a time and space travel story ! but the Legacy goes on …
    i have been collecting the Phantom dailies hardback's. so many and very behind reading them i’m still in the Fourties’,
    i know that there are Lando comics but never read one…

  3. That time thing can go the other direction, too: The Phantom and Phantom Girl!

  4. @Davejonz: more likely, Kit Walker was the father of Shmi Sky Walker.*

    @Ross: interesting combo! This makes me wonder if the space pirates of Taanab belonged to the Seng Brotherhood.

    *"Luke! I'm your great-grandfather on your mother's side."

  5. When you put it like that, it kinda makes sense... Only question, then, is this: What was his connection to the Phantom Menace?

  6. @Simon, don't forget Son of the Phantom, making Kip a Kit. And they had the LP of Phantom on one side and Mandrake on the flip side.
    Being a precursor to Batman, including parent being killed, there is a strong reason for the Phantom to endure. Seeing him in a space setting might be novel, but hard to see long term.
    Great cover.

  7. Jeepers, Mr. W! That's a good question.

  8. Cool image. You should have stuck a can of Colt 45 in Lando's hand though.

  9. Wolfhammer's right. It would've been great to see Kit Walker with the following word balloon.

    "That's not what I meant!"
