Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Silver Surfer and The Marvel Family


For the conclusion of this Five-Part Tale, The Surfer has finally come to his senses and granted the Power Cosmic to some more worthy recipients than Black Adam.  Time to clean up the mess that he left behind and put Galactus in his place!

Captain Marvel previously faced off against the World Devourer with Superman at his side in STF #2969...


  1. This whole epic reminds me of back when Marvel did mini-series stories like MEPHISTO VS (#1-4) and the tie-in ANNUAL story arcs, or the way the Marvel / Top Cow DEVIL'S REIGN storyline played out. Good stuff!

  2. H.H. Horsefeathers splitting an Adam.December 20, 2023 at 6:44 AM

    Black Adam has been in some Justice League. Reason why Surfer could be wrong about his personality. How does Galactus do with magic energy? How would Galactus do against Dr Manhattan?

  3. @Horsefeathers: I think he wound up sending the doctor to the hospital. See STF #4261.

  4. To call this a "battle royale" would be a massive piece of understatement. Way to go, Ross! :-)

  5. Galactus looks a bit rabid. I guess he's bitter that his newest harold isn't up to expectations. And the Surfer is back again. That's ok, he's about to have a "Marvel-ous" time!!

    Come to think of it, since he is from outside this universe, how would he do against Mephisto?

  6. Frankly, my dear Tobor, I don't give "Adam."


  7. I'm sorry, but when i see big g like that (with the red eyes) it looks like he's saying...."Go Away or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your heads in!!
    (he has a little problem with stress.)

  8. It should've been clear from the start that the Marvel Family would've saved the day in the end; they're Adam's opposite numbers, after all.

    On a wholly different topic, someone once requested a meeting of Marvel's Egghead with his DC namesake. Batman & Ant-Man teaming up against those two would be a real hoot.

  9. a fine ending but where is Uncle Dudley Marvel & Tawky Tawny …

  10. I think Uncle Dudley is hanging out with May Parker while Talky Tawny is collaborating with Sam Simeon* on a graphic novel about the Flying Tigers.

    *Of "Angel & The Ape" fame.

  11. P.S.---if you think I'm joking, just check out STF #1122 @ May of 2015.

  12. @Carycomic: I think you're confusing Talky Tawny with Hobbes (of "Calvin &..." fame) @ STF #3251

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sorry! That should've read "...@ STF #3257 back in Mar. 2021."

  15. I honestly thought the punchline of this five-parter is that Santa Claus would save the day!

    It would also be funny if Uncle Marvel saved everbody like he did with Black Adam's first appearance!

  16. So, no one but Tobor is talking about when Galactus made Mr. Mind his herald? Because that should make this encounter about a thousand percent more interesting!

  17. That was 10 yeara ago, though. Why enact such a complicated plan to get simple revenge against the little worm for brainwashing him and Subby to not remember they were related?

  18. Sigh! Spell checker sucks. That should've read "...10 years ago."

  19. How about Galactus vs Mephisto with Dr Manhattan being the ref?

  20. @Tobor: My money's on Big G.

  21. @Horace Feathers: he proved to be vulnerable to something called "The Old Power" during the Planet Hulk story arc. It had the effect of increasing his cosmic cravings to the point of gluttony!
