Saturday, December 16, 2023

Silver Surfer and Black Adam


This marks the beginning of a 5-Part Tale. Infusing Black Adam with even more power is a risky move, but with Galactus on the horizon, desperate times are called for!  Make sure you come back tomorrow to find out what happens when The World Devourer enters the picture...


  1. #Ross: Good Heavens! I hope Galactus doesn't wind up converting Black Adam into energy and consuming him! If only because I don't think you'd be able to decide what to call the resulting composite being. Galadam...or Blactus?

    And Prince Mumewalde thought _he_ had naming issues.

  2. This should be interesting, not so much for tomorrow's entry of Galactus, but for what happens afterward.

  3. @Garycomic, who would you NOT send to confront Big G?
    Shazan, Green Lantern, Capt'n Universe, Matter Eater Lad, wildfire, Phoenix?

    An ad in Space: GalActus, Here's a SPECIAL McDonald's burger for you to take to GO!!!

    Galactus, for all his electronics, never cal!s I.T. That is impressive.

  4. @Tobor: I would NOT send Joe Staton's E-man! Galactus would regard him as a glorified smorgasbord.

  5. I just had a horrible thought. What if it was Galactus who wounded Dr. Manhattan back in STF #4261?

  6. I guess the fact that Black Adam is receiving the Power Cosmic at the time protects him from reverting to his nonpowered self when saying the word "Shazam." (That, or this is how it works in Universe STF.)

  7. He was Teth-Adam when he began the sentence.

  8. @Chuck: By George, I think you've got it! :-)

  9. @Ross: But, now, he'll be Silver Adam?

    How Radd!

  10. Can’t wait to see where this goes!!

  11. #my namesake @ 1:15PM: I'm ig-Norrin that remark.
