Sunday, December 17, 2023

Galactus and Black Adam


Presenting Part Two of a Five-Part Epic!  Uh oh, looks like granting this Power Cosmic to Black Adam was a bit of a miscalculation on the Surfer's part!  What will Teth-Adam's first act be, now that he has been even more super-powered - and can anyone stop him?  Find out in Part Three tomorrow!


  1. Will he eat the Earth or just parts of it? With all that lightning coming down, it'll be interesting if B.A. gets hit with a bolt out of the blue. What would it do to him??

  2. For a second i thought you reused yesterday's Black Adam art, he must strike that power pose often. It's his version of Blue Steel™️

  3. Oh, dear-dear-dear! I was expecting an involuntary assimilation.
    But, a willing merger?! I didn't expect an alpha personality like Teth-Adam to be willing to undergo that. Which, of course, makes me all the more eager for part three, tomorrow! To see if Black Adam is as successful at double-crossing Galactus as he was the Silver Surfer.

  4. it’s all going to end in tears !
    you just know that Galactus has been a lot more careful about handing out cosmic powers since he has been betrayed by so many.

  5. P.S. @ Det.Tobor: which Blue Bolt are you referring to? The Golden Age superhero created for Novelty Press by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby? The Hero Comics character from 1987? Or an Earth Three version of the Filmation Flash-foe from 1967?

  6. Dear Ross: how about a sequel to STF #3506 featuring King Ghidorah vs. GL Godzilla? With special guest-star...the Martian Manhunter!

  7. Honestly this is all I want out of a big event comic. Looking forward to see how all this plays out Ross!

  8. Could not Black Adam get power cosmic by becoming a herald of Galactus?

  9. @ Me: to paraphrase Simon, Galactus probably does a lot better job of vetting his would-be heralds than he used to.

  10. What Carycomic said. It sure looks like someone will be in for a reckoning. I remember this worm's eye view of Galactus ready to chow down. Hey, it's the Holidays, and expecting good food is part of the season. The question is , who's gonna clean up afterwards?

  11. Well, we all know someone is getting betrayed. Galactus doesn't NEED a partner. Assuming he's not just holding the idiot ball, he's humoring Black Adam for some reason. Meanwhile, Adam should know the same thing so must be trying to backstab Galactus. That or he's very desperate about something.

    Can't wait to see more.

    Assuming Galactus survives as he must, how about an arc called 'When World Killers Collide'? Galactus, Unicron, The Death Star, and The Doomsday Machine in a 4-way Battle Royale.

  12. @Ross and Anon206: Throw in a reference to STAR TREK: TNG Episode 2.12 for good measure. :-)

    That way, it could be called "Bad Time At The Planet Royale."
