Friday, December 29, 2023

New Teen Titans and Alpha Flight


Presenting part One of a Three Part tale!  Looks like the NTT and Alpha Flight are participating in a hero exchange program.  Which two heroes will be involved?  You can guess now or just wait until part two tomorrow!


  1. This just might be my favorite cover yet. I’d buy this immediately. What a nice job!

  2. I echo what Anon558 said. As for my first guess? I'll say...Raven and Talisman. They being the resident mystics of their respective teams.

  3. Oh! And the presence of both Robin and Starfire in the line-up would seem to validate my hypothesis concerning how they got away from Vader (two issues back).

  4. I'm going to guess Snowbird and Changeling/Beast Boy. Same basic powers, different color animals.

  5. Your mission is to do the impossible...Normally i wouldn't say this, but....
    The leaders have totally briefed each other about their teammates...the leaders are switching because they will have a fresh perspective on the problem and throw the enemy off balance.

  6. Oh man John Byrne and George Perez sharing art duties! This book might have saved the comics industry. Is there room for Simonson to write or does Byrne completely crowd him out? This cover makes my weekend.

  7. I will guess Snowbird and Wonder Girl, given their pantheonic backgrounds. Donna was raised by the Amazons of Greco-Roman mythology. And Nelvana's Daughter is a scion of the Inuit cosmology.

  8. @Anon1229: Snowbird's real name is Narya aka RCMP Officer Anne McKenzie.*

    *No known relation to Prince Namor McKenzie.

  9. Is it definitely one of each switching spots, or could the wording also imply two members of one team crossing over, with no inverse? If so, I'll guess Aurora and Northstar joining the Titans.

  10. I say Northstar and Puck for Kid Flash and Starfire. With Starfire getting hit on by Aurora!

  11. For practical purposes, Aqualad may help AF search for / fight against Marrina, and Guardian can hang at Titan Tower to provide support for Vic's outdated cybernetics.

  12. Guessing Guardian and Robin swap positions so each can teach others to work together at a common foe.

  13. Aurora, and , Kid Flash swop teams for few months...

  14. That reminds me. Would Aurora of Alpha Flight develop a romantic infatuation with Madame Rouge of the Brain's Brotherhood of Evil?
