Friday, January 13, 2023

Aquaman and The Defenders


Aquaman last battled Attuma in STF #2828

Aquaman and Namor have also a bit of history on this blog.  They last met trying battling Mer-Mutates in STF #2270, tried to avert war in Issue #1105, faced the sea's wrath back in Issue #751 and starred in my very first STF two-parter in Issue #3 and Issue #4.


  1. So, this is (more or less) a sequel to STF #2828? I'll buy that...for sixty cents. And it looks like even Tiger Shark is allying himself with Attuma, again! Although, given his crimson complexion, I wonder if he's acting as liaison for the Skeleton Crew.*

    *Red Skull's personal enforcers.

  2. So, I was in the ballpark a while back when I suggested an "Ocean's Eleven" with Aquaman, Sub-Mariner, Abe Sapien, and "8 Famous Guest Stars."

  3. Hey, Aquaman with the beard and hook! My favorite version! This is the first time you've used this Aquaman, right? Love it!

  4. Gotta agree to disagree, Bob W. :-(

  5. Strange's spell to make all the clothes water resistant is helpful. Can the Hulk leap if he doesn't have a base to jump from? Leaping from the middle of water may be a bit different.
    What can Arthur do here that Namor can't? I can't wait to see how Arthur does with Nighthawk after his time with the Bat.
    How do you prevent yourself from getting bored, Ross? great work.

  6. @Carycomic: if you were referring to that red-faced guy to Attuma's right, he looks more like Darth Maul.

  7. @Anon1036: actually, he's to Attuma's left. But, otherwise, yeah, that's the one I mean.

  8. Another great cover. How about a Big Barda/ Rogue matchup and possibly a Giant-Man (Bill Foster)/Atom Smasher pairing at some point? Keep up the great work.
