Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Enchantress and 7 Famous Co-Stars


As we reach Part Four of this Five-Part Epic, we see what's truly behind the Enchantress' machinations.  Just who is her "dearest" anyway?  Comic fans should recognize that silhouette. Make sure you come back tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!

This marks the 14th Appearance of The Power Couple, The 28th Appearance of the WW/Cap romance and the 10th appearance of The Hercules/Vixen romance.


  1. Well, so much for yesterday's guesses! But, mine were only half -serious, anyway.

  2. Tis the Scarlet Witch?? Enchantress had a Vision of Wonder Man??

  3. I say it's Lord Voldemort wearing the Crown of Horns (from "D&D: Forgotten Realms").

    Just kidding, Ross. I know you wouldn't go that Bizarro!

  4. Seeing yesterday’s post, I was expecting the “secret love” to be a woman; most likely DC’s Enchantress. Now, based on the silhouette, I believe it must be King Arthur from Camelot 3000.

  5. It could still be a woman, though I don't know what DC character (male or female) would have that very Thor-like silhouette.

  6. I wonder if it could be Grant Farrell, the Golden Age Thor from Ajax-Farrell Comics (a WWII-era indie, long since defunct).

  7. Either that or Kendra "Hawkwoman" Sa(u)nders!*

    *I've seen DC writers use both spellings for that surname.

  8. @ Bob: Yes, at first glance, I was going to say Thordis, but... as Willy Wonka once said - “The suspense is terrible, I hope it'll last.” Whoops, Google listed it as Oscar Wilde.

  9. Oscar might've been Wilde. But, Gene was Wilder. ;-)

  10. P.S. @ Cary: Hawkwoman? Seriously?! Maybe there's a good reason she's only appeared here, less-than-five times. Like, for example, lack of popularity?

  11. @Cary & my namesake @10:48: the two of you should've done a little more background research. Hawkwoman, on this website, is the former Silver Age Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol of Thanagar). The new Hawkgirl is the niece-cum-reincarnation of the Golden Age Hawkgirl (Shiera Hall of the JSA)!

  12. P.S. @ Cary & My Namesake: as for who I think it might be? I'll go with Bluejay of Wing Command!

  13. I'm still leaning towards Thor, but I figure he's going to be PISSED OFF! This is making me think of an issue of Thor where Enchantress tells her sister Lorili an untold tale from the 1st Secret Wars where she and Thor almost joined forces but betrayed her heart and him.

  14. Although I just had a thought after looking at the image again, one idea I'm thinking now is a Thor yes, but not Odinson, but Jane Foster. I've seen a number of female ideas, and that got me thinking Jane could be an option

  15. This combines two of my favorite type of issues of team-up books. The "X famous co-stars" issue and the "team-up with ?????" issue.

    Not represented is the issue where the hero is forced to team-up with a villain. Especially if the cover features the hero protecting the villain,.

  16. Still looks like Thor to me; but that's too easy. Hmmm.....

  17. Another vote for Arthur from Camelot 3000. C'mon, Enchantress is Marvel, so her inamorato has to be from DC ...

  18. @Bob Greenwade: nope! Merely faster. ;-D

  19. P.S. @Steve Johnson: that's why I'm still guessing pre-COIE Hawkwoman; pre-Flashpoint Hawkgirl; or post-Flashpoint Bluejay.

  20. @Anon@2:42: No, I meant that I'm stealing it!

  21. @BG: what's to steal? Consider it freely donated to the Public Domain! One of those end-of-the-year tax deductions things.

